I have a friend who is, apropos of nothing, an actress and she has that eye brow thing down cold. I once started to make a suggestion that was too soon to make, and she stopped me DEAD in my tracks with that frickin&#039; eyebrow.<br /><br /><br />---
it depends on the region where the gay fetus lives. For instance, if the fetus lives in a state where bullies have too much time on their hands, than no. Gay fetuses will have the same protections as none-gay fetuses. However, in those areas where the there are more gays than bullies can push around, aborting gay fetuses will be <i>mandatory</i>.
Of course, all of the above is off of the table if the woman has access to cash. Then she can travel to whatever country she likes and have as many abortions as she wants.
Our old parish priest use to return to the rectory at the end of the day, put his feet up on a 10 year old boy, and pontificate about how nice it was to sit down after a long day of honest rape.
I have a friend who is, apropos of nothing, an actress and she has that eye brow thing down cold. I once started to make a suggestion that was too soon to make, and she stopped me DEAD in my tracks with that frickin&#039; eyebrow.<br /><br /><br />---
You know...poor as I am, I would still opt for the deluxe model where at least the fucking pupils matched.
My bad. Capitalization lesson recognized (not learned, note you)
it depends on the region where the gay fetus lives. For instance, if the fetus lives in a state where bullies have too much time on their hands, than no. Gay fetuses will have the same protections as none-gay fetuses. However, in those areas where the there are more gays than bullies can push around, aborting gay fetuses will be <i>mandatory</i>.
Of course, all of the above is off of the table if the woman has access to cash. Then she can travel to whatever country she likes and have as many abortions as she wants.
Our old parish priest use to return to the rectory at the end of the day, put his feet up on a 10 year old boy, and pontificate about how nice it was to sit down after a long day of honest rape.
I wish I could do the eyebrow thing....there was a time when things were so slow at work that I would sit and practice this rare feat.
damn...that face looks like it was attacked by some kind of picture morphing tool.