Hitler was motivated by his desire to make the Nazis more socially acceptable, his fear that Rohm had created his own power center, and the reluctance of the German military to assimilate the brownshirts into the ranks. Basically, Hitler, who needed the brownshirted thugs to make way in the beginning, no longer needed them and didn't know what to do with them. So he had them massacred. Stalin was impressed, BTW.

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I don't know if there are a lot of RWNJ's IN the Military, but a lot of the comments I read on military websites, looked like they'd been ripped from OAN, Breitbart, etc., so there are at least some on active duty.

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I swear, if today's Gross Old Party watched WWII-era Warner Bros. cartoons, they'd ask why Bugs Bunny is so cruel to Nazis.

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"I hate Illinois Nazis!" - Jake Blues

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The KKK Grand Dragon lived in Greenwood, just south of Indianapolis, for many years. My wife, who grew up there, remembers when a black person out after dark in some southern Indiana towns was an automatic target for these idiots. She has referred to some southern parts of the state to as the Alabama of the Midwest.

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In the 1950s my Uncle Frank was an editor at the Indianapolis Star and the family lived in Greenwood. Then they moved to Knoxville, which is worse! I moved to Connecticut ASAP. I think of Indianapolis as The World's Biggest Small Town.

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A little consensual rear-ending with a full tank of gas would make for a bunch of better Nazis?

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Definitely! I don't want them in the military. You have to depend on the people you work, and yes, live with. As in your life might depend on them. You have to be reliable for each other. Neo-Nazis aren't reliable and you wouldn't be able to depend on them. They would absolutely destroy unit cohesion and readiness. Those buzz words are taken very seriously by military brass. I would hope they are doing what they can to get rid of the extremists regardless of what Congress says.

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Upvoted for "pile of fuck "I'm going to steal that and use it often.

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The Great Replacement Theory has the GOP petrified into defending neo-nazis and racist/white supremacists secreted within the ranks of the US military...

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GQP loves NNT (NeoNazi TRASH!!!)

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Obama previously: " Just how hard is it to say that Nazis are bad?"

Well for a certain group of people, we now know not only the how, but also the why.

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Didn't work out all that well in 1930s Germany. Not even for the SA themselves. The brown-shirted thugs of the Sturmabteilung were largely former military men, and they were useful for a while to intimidate Jews and leftists by violence, until Hitler decided Ernst Röhm was insufficiently loyal and too socialistic. The Night of the Long Knives followed, Röhm was purged, as were a lot of other brownshirts - an experience they did not survive.If Donald Trump knew enough history - which of course he doesn't - he'd probably have thought on the campaign trail, "Oh, if I had guys like that at my rallies in force, how wonderful it'd be."

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Is that picture from Blues Brothers?

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Pretty much any expression can be improved by adding a gratuitous “fuck.”

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Considering it's a scene from The Blues Brothers, I think the whole thing was part of a joke.

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