Amerikun voters am dumm? Moar heerings morans!

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So how come there wasn't a shitstorm of "impeach! impeach!" when we went into Iraq under false pretenses and nobody knew what the fuck was going to happen with that debacle? Dead people? But when it comes to keeping people healthy and alive well that's just wrong.

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Dear Republican blowhards, why do you consider healthcare to be a privilege?

Answers to the Wonket, please - or to any journalist who asks the question.

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Maybe Issa just can't figure out this modern texting. Or they used too many big words

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If stupidity is outlawed, only outlaws will be stupid!

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Let's do it!

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what an idiot.

and by that i mean gruber.

it's fucking hard enough trying to make this thing work on the ground without scoring own goals. we gave republicans everything they wanted with the website nonsense last year - and in spite of ALL of it exceeded enrollment goals. now we get SCOTUS (fucking AGAIN), mr. architect gruber mewling and puking and a fucking republican congress looking like a legislative serial killer.

i bet they've been sitting on this tape waiting for open enrollment.

which starts saturday.

fuck everyone. if you want me, i'll be down at the homeless shelter signing people up for medicaid because MY state expanded it. and then i'm going to the bar.

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...also points at the genitalia, so win/win!

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