He lost me after "follow your dog's advice."

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Partly because the Gubber Mint is still using programs that were right on the cutting edge in c. 1985.

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Idiot troll is idiot, also banhammered right in the sex genitals.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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Fortunately, you can't be impeached for acts that occurred when you weren't president. The investigations are for character assassination. Opiates for the masses and distractions.

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Didn't they say exactly this? There was talk about blocking her between November and January via some in power, that I recall.

To call this batshit is to insult things that are batshit. There are no words.

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Remember when Congressional Republicans investigated the Clintons' use of the White House Christmas card list? Many years later they still haven't figured this out.

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• I refuse to give a fuck about Hillary's emails while Colin Powell is not also pilloried for doing the exact same thing.

• I refuse to spend five seconds worrying about Benghazi, while George W. Bush's administration gets a free pass for 13 embassy attacks that resulted in 60+ deaths.

• I refuse to care about Monica sucking Bill's dick when no single member of the GOP thinks there's anything wrong with Newt Gingrich cheating on his wife.

• I refuse to spare a thought about Whitewater when Trump's nefarious business dealings get a free pass, ET CETERA, ET CETERA, AD NAUSEUM ALSO TOO.

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Yeah. You had one job... ONE JOB!!11!!

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Your cupboard is bare and all you have is Trump in your storage.Sucks to be you, eh? About to have your ass handed to you by a girl?

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They know a lot about her corruption. Comey even says it himself.


Comey makes a lair out of Hillary in his press conference. Every excuse she gives about her Illegal server and corruption gets refuted by FBI director Comey.

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Yeah a True American, that believes in justice and integrity for all the social classes not just the obscenely rich, regardless of the sycophants that make excuse after excuse for their criminally corrupt cult leader, and damn proud of it!

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That be some major butthurt!

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Sex genitals? Are you a fifth grader in disguise? Follow your dog's advice and put down your keyboard, the dog is a lot smarter than you. As for Hillary, she is a criminal of the highest order and honest Americans will expose every illegal act in her playbook. Starting with the DNC lawsuit filed by disenfranchised Democrats in Florida. DWS and the DNC has already been served, they have 21 days to respond in court. Hillary and Her corrupt network are going to be dismantled by true grassroots American patriots!

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In the many years these catastrophic GOPs have been in power (and they'been so unbelievably vile, it feels like an eternity of unfortunate events), they have only done the only thing they are capable of doing, obstruction. They've been obstructing the Affordable Act a gazillion times illustrating that madness definition; they obstructed Planned Parenthood because women need to know their place and stop offending good christians and MRAs with all those demands for healthcare instead of popping out more potential targets for the gun nuts (oh, how they love those gun nuts and their NRA overlords); they obstructed the civil rights of any groups offending to the bizarre sensibilities of religious throwbacks (those are always in favor with the GOPs), they wasted tons of money when all those crazy unconstitutional laws were reversed (inevitably), they obstructed the nomination of Obama's proposed replacement for the Supreme Court vacancy, they shut down Congress, fer Christ sake (they must have been exhausted from all that obstructing and needed to disguise a paid vacation as one of their phony protests), they acted contrary to anything decent and intelligent in existence, not to mention putting a big branding stamp on the brains of the simple minded who are now getting into a synchronized trance over Benghazi and Hillary's emails. And I haven't even touched the malignancy they spread at state levels. They're a bunch of useless clowns who nevertheless draw salaries and benefits from taxpayers' money on top of whatever payouts they accept from mostly nefarious groups of interests, the only ones who get something out of this joke of a congress. In other words, they're paid to obstruct and grift, with the complicity of whoever voted for them and no consequences for their acts of evil.

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You never go full Benghazi!

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Question, because somehow I never read this: why did Hillary use the private server? Has she given a reason? What do we think is the real reason?

I would google but am afraid of what I'll get.

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