They're also a bunch of obese, opiate-swilling, welfare-sucking shitbags who seriously need to check their privilege and stop blaming literally everyone but themselves for their perceived "problems."

And today I learned a bit more about why so many of them are so scared, and it kind of sunk in, and now I have to adjust my way of thinking, and it feels easier to just be fucking angry. *sad face*

Edit - if anyone is interested, the tool we used is the Power Flower. It has several versions. I hope to start using it in any group I'm part of, ASAP. Here's a pdf that looks like a good overview. https://www.google.com/url?...

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Seriously. I want big trucks with rock bands strapped to the front, FFS. Boiling hellscapes. Dogs and cats, living together.

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Screw them all, all the crumb-suckers. The ONLY thing that comes close to voiding out the awful shit he's done so far would be saying "Yeah, I was WRONG. And I'm going to release all of the truths and take every other skeezy bastard I appointed down with me, here is every single dirty deal we've pulled throughout the election and also the last ten years, and also my taxes."

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So by Kevin Brady's standards we're all presidential and we can all do whatever the damn hell we want with no accountability, no vetting, and no visible paper trail? Heeeey we can have fun with this!

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And snow white.

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Encouraging developments, as wapo, et.al. release more connections between our Manchurian candidate, his team of traitors and the everso lovable Russkis. Erelong, Donald will throw himself on the mercy of US investigators if only to avoid the wrath of his polonium-packin' pals.

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"...expenses necessary in the normal course of a trade or business are deductible..." I can help you argue that.

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To your everlasting credit, you have the ability to admit to, and learn from, your mistakes. That is an extremely rare, fair characteristic. You've done your penance.

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Thank you kind sir...

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I agree. Every word that slimes out of his mouth oozes insincerity.

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Gets me all the time when I use my phone.

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Hey! Going to the protest Monday?

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This would be awesome.

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DAMN IT!!!1 I was hoping to find out if pee hookers were tax deductible.

For a friend, of course...

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Kitten at the top represents so many of us - just praying that SOMETHING sticks to the shitgibbon.

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I beg to differ. I think a Cheetofaced ferret wearing shitgibbon supported by a cast of Steve "the town drunk" Bannon, Kellyanne "Return of the Zombies", and Steve "Dead Eyes" Miller fill the bill. They are scary enough for me.

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