Pretty sure my eggs carry living moving life forms that are being nurtured and maintained in my incubator WOMB that regulates temperature for 9 months.
You know what is in the text, ya shite gargling bawbags? "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Ectopic pregnancies are already problematic at Catholic-run hospitals because they will often not treat them by medication abortion, which is customary, because they consider that to be a "direct killing" of the embryo. They prefer to treat by the "indirect" method of, if it's implanted in the fallopian tube, removing the portion of the tube that contains the embryo so it can "die naturally" instead. This is not in the best interests of either the patient's health or their future fertility.
I'm not sure how they treat ectopic pregnancies that are implanted elsewhere, though. Probably remove a whole damn ovary if it happens there.
Ugh. What nutter publication came up with that shit? lol. Focus on the Family? Eagle Forum? Franklin Graham? Leonard Leo? The Mercers? DeVos? MRA/MGTOW/Incel? So many asshats that hate women it's hard to guess.
It is. But I find humor in the fact that 60% of 'life begins at conception!' fail to implant in the uterine wall and result in a pregnancy. Maybe the seed is weak or defective and not at all 'righteous' or 'godly'?
Or, if she's a spinster, to her father. Just like Jim Bob Duggar.
Are his daughters allowed to be spinsters? Don’t they have to marry whatever husband they were assigned as soon as they hit legal age?
The dude's face is freezing up. He's like a saggy, baggy Clutch Cargo.
I take all BS like that as satire. I get much less angry.
When your opinion is so bad, it kills Superman.
"The MAN carries LIFE..."Therefore ALL MEN ARE GODS ????
Wow! Major Beavis and Butthead vibes with that picture. Also super creepy pervs...
Pretty sure my eggs carry living moving life forms that are being nurtured and maintained in my incubator WOMB that regulates temperature for 9 months.
You know what is in the text, ya shite gargling bawbags? "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."
Ectopic pregnancies are already problematic at Catholic-run hospitals because they will often not treat them by medication abortion, which is customary, because they consider that to be a "direct killing" of the embryo. They prefer to treat by the "indirect" method of, if it's implanted in the fallopian tube, removing the portion of the tube that contains the embryo so it can "die naturally" instead. This is not in the best interests of either the patient's health or their future fertility.
I'm not sure how they treat ectopic pregnancies that are implanted elsewhere, though. Probably remove a whole damn ovary if it happens there.
"Let's Watch Republican Congressmen Say Vile Misogynistic Things About Abortion!"
Do we HAVE to?
Of course! Religion created by man where all men are gods. Makes sense! /s
Ugh. What nutter publication came up with that shit? lol. Focus on the Family? Eagle Forum? Franklin Graham? Leonard Leo? The Mercers? DeVos? MRA/MGTOW/Incel? So many asshats that hate women it's hard to guess.
It is. But I find humor in the fact that 60% of 'life begins at conception!' fail to implant in the uterine wall and result in a pregnancy. Maybe the seed is weak or defective and not at all 'righteous' or 'godly'?
The clubhouse or the dress?