America seldom goes back. The Insurance Companies hate providing major medical. It is time consuming to process claims, and rates of payment are different all over the country.They would rather the Government cover the first $50k , and sell supplemental accident, cancer, and dental policies. It works in Germany.

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It's gonna be a photo finish!

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. . . but only the ranches where the owners pay their grazing fees.

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"I hate woohoo."- Mitch Hedberg

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Yeah, well that's one way that HSAs fail. Imagine if you had to use an HSA as a "substitute" for affordable insurance - which is how Republicans seem to present them.

Don't get sick....

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The government. They don't pay themselves stock options worth tens of millions while reducing the level of care we receive.

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Jumbo shrimp isn't an oxymoron. Only stupid Americans thought all shrimp were small.

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Doktor Zoom,

Now GOP Obama haters, will you be celebrating the suffering and deaths of all those innocent people who can't healthcare?

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That's messed up

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Not to break the fourth wall, but perfect response. Perfect.

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Is my knowledgeable, widely read, bias-free, God-fearing Samaritan boss, a heart surgeon?

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The only money they want to spend is on defense and pork for their rich friends.

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Not really, they just scored a victory against the law

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This ruling will be overturned. Republicans are so evil for going against the ACA. If there are problems, fix them but don't destroy a law intended to help poor people access healthcare insurance. Bastards!

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They're nasty people. WWJD?

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When pigs fly.

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