If there's someone who knows divisive and disgusting, it's corroded dildo Charles C. Johnson.
At least he's got the idea that racism is wrong, even if he isn't actually being sincere because who needs sincerity when you're scoring political "nuh-uh you did it too, so you suck as bad as we do" super-political-team-points!
Jesus Decent-Writing Christ. "rather uncompelling reason" (stupid, weak-ass phrasing).
"more concerning" (a personal peeve. This is not a correct use of the gerund "concerning", even if the "literally" assholes literally say it is. "greater cause for concern"; "raises more concerns"; "concerns me more". There are lots of ways to use the root "concern" without turning the gerund into a fucking adjective).
One call to Reverend Phil the Duck Commander and all will be forgiven. I predict The Bearded Turdblossom will inject some down-home Louisiana alligator shit about Scalise's morals, religion, blah blah blah, he's like a turducken, wrapped in many layers, blah, blah, amen.
<i>Aryan mommyblog Stormfront</i>
To be fair, the Aryans represent a sizable proportion of the mommyblog market.
You mean John Boehner has another caucus member he has to avoid?
If there&#039;s someone who knows divisive and disgusting, it&#039;s corroded dildo Charles C. Johnson.
At least he&#039;s got the idea that racism is wrong, even if he isn&#039;t actually being sincere because who needs sincerity when you&#039;re scoring political &quot;nuh-uh you did it too, so you suck as bad as we do&quot; super-political-team-points!
Good Job Chuck! Your life is totally worthwhile!
In all fairness, that&#039;s about as close to right as she ever gets
Euro, huh? I guess &quot;American Rights Organization&quot; (AMERO) was taken, huh asshole?
Raza, Reconquista -- all the same thing, donchaknow?
Jesus Decent-Writing Christ. &quot;rather uncompelling reason&quot; (stupid, weak-ass phrasing).
&quot;more concerning&quot; (a personal peeve. This is not a correct use of the gerund &quot;concerning&quot;, even if the &quot;literally&quot; assholes literally say it is. &quot;greater cause for concern&quot;; &quot;raises more concerns&quot;; &quot;concerns me more&quot;. There are lots of ways to use the root &quot;concern&quot; without turning the gerund into a fucking adjective).
Any over/under on how long he has to be dead before they shut up about it?
I worry about the cumulus effect of all these puns
Krispy Kream Krackers
Lots Tigres del Norte: sing about narcoterroristas. EURO: whine about nigraterroristas.
The black Supremes were a great group.
There you go again, using a person&#039;s demonstrably bad judgment and low character against him.
But in his defense, he never expected to make it to the Big League.
If the sheet fits, wear that motherfucker.
One call to Reverend Phil the Duck Commander and all will be forgiven. I predict The Bearded Turdblossom will inject some down-home Louisiana alligator shit about Scalise&#039;s morals, religion, blah blah blah, he&#039;s like a turducken, wrapped in many layers, blah, blah, amen.