My wife got into a tax discussion with a peer who is a diehard Rethug. She asked him if he would give a little bit more in taxes to help out people who were in need. He said that he would not agree to even a nickel increase in his taxes to help others.

How are we supposed to find common ground with such greedy assholes?

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And npr/pbs persists in calling this abomination tax 'reform.'. Mindless acceptance of gop framing just like in the campaign. I'll support them again when they get the Koch out of their mouth.

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He probably had a stack of old spy magazines next to the terlet for inspiration when he rage-tweets.

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Could this schlemeil's wife/trustee be any more comically villainous? Could we get her a magic staff, mirror, or some other mystical and destructive object? I also get the sneaking suspicion she owns a lot of dogs, like over 100 of them. Possibly Dalmations. Further, I wouldn't be surprised if she was also trying to setup Roger Rabbit when not occupying US Treasury and/or U.S. Federal Reserve property.

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The vibe I get from Louise's photo is "Ha ha, Brenda! Ha ha all over you!" That, or "No, I wanna be first up against the wall come the revolution!"

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Those miserable motherfuckers.And the contemptible Congressmen they elected.

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We have a segment in our otherwise balanced local news called "Bottom Line With Boris" sponsored by an outfit calling themselves Job Creators Network. It sounds like he is spouting the usual Republitard BS....though it's hard to tell what he is saying because he sounds like he's talking with a Koch in his mouth.

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The entire tax cut bill could be written in comic sans and it still would've been passed.

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And won't change the way the Permanently Stoopid vote.

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Fuck it. I'm just gonna sit in the basement and play video games until the next election day.

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This tax bill will lock in and exacerbate the high levels of income inequality we have for another generation, at least, and will probably make it permanent.

We will become an oligarchy.

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The wealth will trickle down eventually! We swears!

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Feature, not bug.

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Where did all those teabagging, deficit hawks go?

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Start with CA-48, -49, and Nunes.

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Free buffet at Mar-a-lago.

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