The song was acually written in 1954, but was never recorded by Woody...

"In January 2016, Will Kaufman, a Guthrie scholar and professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, unearthed the handwritten lyrics while conducting research at the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa, Oklahoma.In partnership with the Guthrie archives and the Guthrie family, Woody's words have been put to music by California rock band U.S. Elevator, fronted by Johnny Irion, who is married to Sarah Lee Guthrie, Woody's granddaughter."Wikipedia

KInd of ironic it was found in 2016. I actually met Johnny Irion and Sarah Lee Guthrie who were a duo when I saw them play, but that was before 2016 - great people.

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I just thought it needed to be stated explicitly.

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Except large parts of the chain of command agree with or are the crazies.

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It's not even the military. The same "conservatives" who claim that the "people must be able to fight the government" also demand that police must never lose a confrontation. As a result, police forces in the U.S. militarized like nowhere else in the Western World.

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A drag caravan?

Fabulous. But already done that.https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Interesting. So in the Land of the Free you can be held in custody without a warrant for days.

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Btw.: highly recommendable.

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We could stop any minute, right?

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At least as long as you're not doing 140 mph.

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The GQP has no interest in suppressing rage monkeys, because that's their base.

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It would be really lovely if the Senate could surprise us and actually do something that would legitimately make people less likely to get murdered instead of just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic hoping this will all blow over soon.

And now we come to the crux of the problem, that seemingly impenetrable rock that has stymied literally everything.

I've had some stark disagreements on this here site with my impatience with the Biden Administration and his capacity to control his party. I'm hardly ignorant of roadblocks to any legislation he tries to pass, but nor am I ignorant of the stakes here. From my vantage point, both as a foreigner, but also as a fellow citizen of the planet, any measures that a Joe Biden administration passed was destined to come up short. That said, nobody would say "no" to scraps, certainly not the Progressive Caucus, who supported BBB every step of the way, even as it was being slowly whittled to nothing. In general, I suspect the Democratic base is of a similar mindset: they understand the constraints and fully understand that in a tent as big as the Democratic Party is, trade offs happen.

Where I differ with a lot of the Dem base is in the effort Biden is putting in. I've read the articles about how the LBJ comparisons don't fit and I appreciate the advantages that particular President had. However, if I saw the attempt, I could give that much credit. Biden has been far from quiet about the stakes; the death of democracy, the death of the planet, the death of children in shootings etc. But can anybody really tell me, honestly, that this administration is pulling out all the stops to get those two Senators to agree to abolish the filibuster that has kept this stalemate in place?

Because here's what I don't see: barnburner rallies across Arizona and West Virginia pressuring Manchinema. Biden with his arm around potential primary candidates. Mass rallies and demonstrations organized by the party itself to get these two holdouts into line. This would be "trying" in my view. We saw a glimpse when Kamala Harris did a rally in WV and Manchin flipped out. He gave away his pressure point! For the good of the children, of the planet, squeeze it! Voters will notice and reward you in the midterms!

If not, don't be surprised by the inevitable defeat.

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The ULTRA MAGA and their racist/white nationalists will never pass RED FLAG laws to save American lives....

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Okay, we know that.

Let's devote our energy & resources to looking for a SOLUTION to the problem, not just decrying it


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