#7 is a joke right? No baby survives abortion. Abortions don't kill babies, they rid a woman's body of some unwanted tissue.

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The republican party is the party of hate. They always must have someone to hate because they never have a plan that does anything good. They hate some marginalized group, so while they are tearing things down and doing shady things they can point to their hate target of the moment and say look over there at that not at what we’re doing.

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Couldn't they have changed the rules so that the votes of black members only count 3/5 of those of white members of Congress?

There's precedent, after all.

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I wonder if these ReThugliCon numbnuts ever read Don Quixote? Because all they do is joust at shadows of windmills. Talking of passing laws for things that are either already illegal or else utter non-threats except in their twisted, genitalia-addled anxieties. Yet their imbecilic grievance cult followers lap up their faux acts of derring-do.

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I've been thinking occasionally that this is the 30th anniversary of the swearing-in and seating of the 104th Congress, the flood of Republicans and newbies that, up until recently, seemed like the biggest collection of absolute idiots we'd ever witness in those chambers. We even had "patriot militia" sympathizers as Representatives! That's when we got the Republican Revolution, when they thought they'd finally established their permanent hold on power, there was no limit, and even goddamn PBS was showing conservative programs. Of course, the Thousand Year Reich only lasted until 1996, when Clinton was re-elected, and they went batshit and decided no Democrat would ever be a validly elected President again.

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While I hate to point this out (because I believe Republicans should be blamed for virtually every bad or annoying thing), I don't think the requirements for getting a Real ID were invented by the Republicans. I've been reading for several years that people need to become aware of the requirements for a Real ID. The government has pushed the deadline out several times already.

We'll see if they're really going to start enforcing this in May.

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...so if there's a pentagram on my driver's license, it's super-real valid. Has anyone informed the GOP of this troubling intrusion of Marxist witchcraft Satanism into our any-day-now great America?

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Because these people can't write, they would render normie citizens--even Trump voters!--subject to deportation for certain subjective interpretations of their nonsense. Maybe they let AI write this, or maybe they SHOULD have let AI do it.

Hint: start with "faulty parallels," GOPers, then if you think you understand that beg God for forgiveness and declare your sins. Not the grammatical ones. The SIN-tactical ones.

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I notice no protections for pregnant women.

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Numbers 1-12: Not a bit about helping American people and families. These people...these people are horrid.

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Well, once we get rid of all the FURRINERS and all that, THEN we can start on families.

But I'm sure they think banning transes from sports is somehow "helping families" because something something cishet Christianity.

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Ta, Marcie. Idiocy, mediocrity, and incompetence all rolled into a greasy cotton ball.

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Sanctuary cities don't have to worry about losing their federal funding. Red states and cities that toe the Republican line to the letter won't get any federal funding either, because these guys are incompetent.

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THIS is what it looks like when you get rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Just an endless sea of mediocre white male faces.

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"Doughy guys, lumpy doughy guys"


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I question whether they even make it to "mediocre".

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Everyone should have something to aspire to.

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I just checked the official school and college records of all 17 of these white chairs, and what I found was that their IQ came to just under 170 --- collectively. (Apparently Gym Jordan's total brought the average down.)

A tidbit from my research: the committee chairs' assigned seats in the House chamber -- the actual chairs they sit on -- have a higher IQ than they do.

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One of the committee chairs, Tom Cole, is an enrolled member of the Chickasaw nation. There are three republican congressman from Oklahoma who are Native American: Cole, Markwayne Mullin, and Josh Brecheen.

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Self-hatred (warranted in their cases) knows no ethnic or tribal boundaries, apparently.

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Why don't they go back to where they came from?

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I have never seen a bunch of blokes who looked more pinkly Caucasian.

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Pink-faced old men from consuming too much alcohol.

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