He IS a hottie, isn't he?? Man, the unmarried upper-class women in GB must be sitting by their tvs whispering "pick me, pick me" every time he's on.

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They should be locked inside their Log Cabins.

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...since he has to run for re-election with Trump at the top of the ballot? I mean, northern San Diego County isn't known for its enlightenment, but...

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Reading my mind-- his first vote must have been an accident. Jeff Denham's from my neck of the woods (although, thank God, he isn't my representative) and his switch is hardly out of character.

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I like Hoyer.

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Isn't that cute? The GOP thinks this is going somewhere.

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First of all, the thought of my representatives DeFazio, Merkley and Wyden covered in angelic whipped cream might be one of the weirdest images words have ever conjured to my brain....

But, yeah, good work Evan, and thanks for including the amazing Star Wars vid from the whip. That perked my morning right up, and almost suggested that the House can be as exciting and yell-ey as the Brits!

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"There's no difference between the two parties."-Idiots

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Since there was something else he had his eye on (a bit of pork for his district) and he knew he could extort support for it by making his own leadership come to him on their knees begging him to switch.

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Those callers were Karl Rove approved and paid for plants. Like those "Black Panther Terrorists" who made some news in the '12 election.

Always ask: "What would Karl Rove do?" And if the answer smells like that chunk of ham your brother in law left in your fridge last x-mas then you KNOW the answer.

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"Liberal Media"...LOL!

That joke, first told by the comedy duo of Cain and Abel, has never grown stale.

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Does this version of the NDAA still delete habius corpus if you call the defendant a terrorist?

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I had a gay friend who was a Republican because he was a business man. Note I said had. He and every other gay friend I had mysteriously died in the 80's. Who can explain these things?

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Nice to know that on this at least, 30 Repubs aren't complete arseholes. Probably just on this, mind, but it is a start.

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don't forget to pay attention to the details

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