Oh the things Anthony Weiner could teach them

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It's hard to believe he's not a shape shifter with his actual physical being that of a 6ft slime oozing Armadillidiidae ( pill bug). Also, I have been binging the original XFiles.

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I live to serve.

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Every time you see this man on your TV, remember he could watch you get seriously tortured and would enjoy it. Anyone who visits this site is the enemy, period. He takes the word enemy seriously. He is a walking ball of hate and contempt. Just regular visits to Something as “obscene” as Wonkette is enough.

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My rogueness comes from not being suckered into things just because they sound good. We rightly goof on the Infowars idiots, let's not become the same things.

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What are these "pants" you speak of?

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Not that I'm a prevert, but I'm guessing Trump and Putin have more designs on Rohrabacher's ass than eating canapes

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Seems to us, right about the same time, 60M+ voters also said, "We'll stop him", so NBD, amirite?

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So, I'm an oldz and apparently I'm not "woke" because I honestly, before now, never concerned myself with which FBI agents were bumping uglies. Obviously, I should have paid more attention. So, yeah, my bad...

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Thank you for confirming that my practice is perfect

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Considering the state of our country, I'm guessing a mere eight-hour drunk is just amateur stuff

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Agree on your picks, but I would add the Predator franchise - mainly because as Dan Le Batard on ESPN pointed out, there were TWO future governors that came out of the first movie...

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How is it possible that John Boorman didn't cast Louie as one of the backwoods folk who were greatly enamored of Ned Beaty's "purty mouth?"

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I'll give you another up-vote as soon as I calm down and have a cigarette and a sandwich. As an oldz, I haven't been this aroused in ages. Screw them blue pills - Wonkette posts are the answer!!

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Did Strzok bury any incriminating evidence in the Hillary investigation? Did he fail to pursue any relevant lines of inquiry? Did he fabricate any evidence? Did he make any incorrect decisions on the meaning of any evidentiary matters? The answer to all those is, "Nope." Here's one that surely is relevant and the answer is "Yup." Did he make any disparaging remarks about Hillary, too?

Regarding his bias when investigating Trump for treason - not a trivial matter - are the Republicans saying the only people who can fairly investigate him are his toadies (like them)?

Fuck them all and fuck them all real good. Especially Jim Jordan.

And "mad" isn't necessarily a redundancy of being "angry." In fact, that dipshit probably is certifiably :"mad."

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By letting him get away with it. Boy, look at the way their dastardly plans are coming together. They got him right where they want him, getting away with it! Yeah! That's the ticket!

Doesn't President Dribbly Dickhole say he's not under investigation, too? Like all the fucking time?

So, WHAT THE FUCK JIMMY JORDY? Is your orange lord lying, or mistaken? Where is this big conspiracy, when Cadet TurdSlab says he's not even under investigation?

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