Next up: laws mandating toilets with 20-gallon flushes and light bulbs made out of hand-spun glass.


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this day has been a non-stop stream of horrors. including the US section of 'the economist' whose editors seem to be having buyers remorse for the their right leaning inclinations.

thank the god of many eyes and probably cats we have the wonkette.

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heard that. thought EXACTLY the same thing.

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You know what I like about Republicans being in charge of Congress?

Its like they can't wait to put big target's on themselves, and without the Democrats to hide behind its that much more obvious who to aim the ridicule at..

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Oh they'll believe it...they just won't believe it was human caused. No harm, no foul, right?

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A candidate or office holder's relative position on in an arbitrary political spectrum and desire to compromise or even completely abandon their views in the name of bipartisanship is far more important than whether or not their views are supportable with evidence or proof.

Evan Bayh in 2012.

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Global warming will affect food production, disease transmission, fish migration, infrastructure, insurance. It's not that we won't know what hit us. We will and that's pretty pathetic.

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Global warming can be fixed with tax cuts for the rich. It says so in the bible.

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ok that's it for today. If somebody doesn't find a 'small boy rescued from dank basement of creationist, global warming denying, teabagging, republican preacher who serves on Children's Affairs Sub-committee' story, I will have to go to Star Magazine.

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The GOP will reverse this decision once they realize how much "money" (dead seals and fish) can be gained from The Polar Bear PAC.

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