Oh neat, it's that time again when Republicans introduce their plan to make America flush with cash and liberty by drowning government in a bathtub and letting olds figure out their own damn health care and generally requesting that we all grab our ankles and hold on tight.
Corporatist government and more military, why that sounds like fascism. I still can't figure out why they think that comes from the Constitution, or the Bible either, for that matter. Sounds more like Il Duce. At least the Banderites in Ukraine are honest about where they got their ideaology.
I didn't even read it. More tax cuts for the rich? Fucking over the poor and the middle class? Fuck these assholes with rusty guillotines of votes. Nation destroying idiots.ETA planet destroying idiots.
...With votes.
Judging from his expense reports, he drove to India and back.
More convenient for Bain Capital that way.
Or more chickenshit . . . take your pick.
"The reasonable among the GOP know..."
Assumes facts not in evidence.
Every day is opposite day, when it comes to the GOPtards naming their repulsive bills.
Hey, that trip to India was long.
Corporatist government and more military, why that sounds like fascism. I still can't figure out why they think that comes from the Constitution, or the Bible either, for that matter. Sounds more like Il Duce. At least the Banderites in Ukraine are honest about where they got their ideaology.
Not really needed, so long as they can heap mountains of shit in front of their teabagger base and call it gold.
The Dynamic Scouring of the Shire.
I didn't even read it. More tax cuts for the rich? Fucking over the poor and the middle class? Fuck these assholes with rusty guillotines of votes. Nation destroying idiots.ETA planet destroying idiots.
...But then we'd all be broke because the govt would have ALL our monies in not-taxes! ...or something... Republi-math is hard...
... Okay, now I'm just dizzy...
Brownbackonomics: because Reaganomics didn't destroy the country enough.
You really think they'd let SS have a whole 2%?
But there are no fairies in the GOP!
- deeply closeted gay GOPers