How, oh how, do Repubicans reconcile their intense desire to prevent this sad, but sometimes necessary legal medical procedure with their rhetoric about evils of government interference in health care? (Answer: They don't, it's hypocrisy.)

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No, no no. "Immaculate Conception" or God's version of "Nothin' But Net!"

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'Reconcile?' That kind of weakness is for Socialists or Libral pansies or something. We Republicans let our deeply held (or FOX-installed, <i>whatever</i>) values openly conflict! See, eventually, one of them wins via Second Amendment rememdies, just like our Founding Fathers intended.

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The picture: Rome Needs Women

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Also, it's not adultery if it's only oral sex.

And some people have a wide stance.

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today we are all sabine women.

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