Congrats to Doctor Zoom for the last sentence in this article, which made me laugh out loud. As I have had a HORRIBLE day, dealing with incompetent professionals and officials all day long, and then my car broke down, I needed a good laugh. Thanks, Doc!

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That sounds like a terrible day. So sorry about that.

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Would be nice if so many cops didn't ACT like pigs.

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How about a "Wanted for War Crimes" poster with pix of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al to hang in the Congressional Post Office? That would be just facts, not conjecture.

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Thanks. And a terrible ice storm is supposed to hit tomorrow, which may take out the power. Some days one should just stay in bed. Some WEEKS one should just stay in bed. In ancient times, everyone in the Northern Hemisphere was staying home or in bed at this time of the year, with nothing to do but try to stay alive and warm until Spring. They were smarter than us.

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I have nothing but (((hugs))). And the most sincere wish that the ice storm won't be that awful.

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A few bad apples ruins the bushel.

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You seem like you prefer stranger fruit.

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And after that, Zootopia is next. https://uploads.disquscdn.c... .

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Yeeaahhhh knowing a few jokes is not proof of actually reading the articles.I stand by what I said. Regardless of how many times you clicked a page open.

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Damn Fog Horns luring innocent Old Ones to their doom.

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I believe this might be a French idiom, shut the fuck up and settle down in there or I'll give you what for...

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Bye, troll.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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