It's time to write a book:2024Damn You, Hillary.

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i try not to use the term "climate change" . . . it was coined by one frank luntz because it's easy to argue that the climate is always changing, it's just a natural process therefore not in any way caused by, or amenable by, human intervention.

it's global warming, please.

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Remember DeNiro in Casino comparing the number of blueberries in two different muffins?

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They may not even survive; from Wikipedia:

"The end-Permian [aka the "Great Dying", Earth's most severe extinction event, which wiped out 96% of all marine species and 70% of terrestrial vertebrates, also thought to have been caused primarily by climate change as a result of rapid warming--sea surface temperatures reached 104º F! ] is the only known mass extinction of insects, with eight or nine insect orders becoming extinct and ten more greatly reduced in diversity."

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I'm for tardigrades. They'll survive anything.

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We still have them on the vine in Oakland. Taking forever to ripen, though.

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I love the irony of mentioning "thinking" when referring to RWNJ's.

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You've got your very own version of a reality show. What would Americans do if they were suddenly switched with the 1930's Germans? Apparently nothing different.

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Uh, cats are deities. You may worship us to fullest of your abilities now.

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They did one step better and accepted Koch money in exchange for board positions, and now the propaganda is so blatant I can't even. Steve Inskeep et. al. have sold their souls. I'm annoyed at having my contributions used for this dreck. I no longer trust them to be purveyors of truth and objectivity.

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I've been giving this a LOT of thought lately. (Curled up in a fetal position sucking my thumb under my desk, but still.) My conclusion is thus: progressives strive to respect the dignity of all, and they're willing to share personal power to ensure that nobody is left behind. Conversely, conservatives want to win. Winning is a zero-sum game. For them to win, someone has to lose. The prospect of a society where there are no winners or losers is therefore very threatening to conservatives (because in such a society power is shared and not accumulated) and thus, they view us as a threat to their power and that is why they revile us. They must defend their right to oppress anyone who is not on the winning team. This is war, and one can never hope to find common ground with those who deny that all people are equally deserving of dignity and legitimacy.

It is for this reason that the truth is irrelevant if it gets in the way of winning. The end justifies the means, and one must win at all costs.

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Interesting. Conversely, I prefer the phrase "climate change" because "global warming" causes ID-10-Ts like Inohofe to juggle snowballs and scoff at science on the grounds that wintertime in the Northern Hemisphere managed to be cold yet again, whereas "climate change" includes recently more extreme weather, which would encompass extra-hot summers, extra-floody rainy seasons, extra-windy hurricane seasons, and extra-snowy winters.

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breitbart banned me for correcting one of their commenters a week ago who said this is the coldest winter in decades. I simply noted that the average of the temps this year in N America are well, average, and that the price of natural gas will barely break $4MMBtu even though the inventory is lower than last year, and last year was warmer than average. I further stated that the current price will not rally much and the "cold" will dissipate within weeks.

OK...I should also note I was making comments that trumpski represents the biggest power grab and hand outs for the rich since reagan.

Which we know, this is Merika, and fake news like that has no business on breitbart...and of course, hateful rhetoric is totally cool https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Well, Obama is classy

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Have you looked at a standard distribution of IQ?

Your statement is definitionally accurate but you shouldn't be surprised. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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