“It’s the role of Congress to make sure we’re using limited federal funds for the highest priority research.”

There you go again, picking winners and losers.

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Will they build her a giant Subaru to drive as well?

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Or trying to replicate experimental results. See Journal of Irreproducible Results

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Scoff if you like, but I've run into a few people (primarily at SF cons) who actually think this way.What's even more hilarious is that they think they'll be the ones who get to go.

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The Bad News could still be good news if we figure out ways to deal with bad stuff that isn't caused by human activities through applying, oh, I dunno, science, maybe? Unfortunately, the GOTP is turning The Good News into bad news by applying bribes and prayer to bad stuff that is caused by human activities. It's a lose-lose situation.

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You have a video clip for every situation! It's like having our own private Daily Show.

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Except for all the dead people from flooding, food disruption, disease vectors and economic collapse, their plan is shear elegance in its simplicity.

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Made possible by a grant from Forget Me Now Pharmaceuticals.

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Surprise, surprise, surprise!

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You know what is a waste of John Q. Taxpayer's money? Congress, let's demand performance based pay. In other words, starve the monkey.

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They're not behaving like children. They're behaving like adult ignoramuses and corrupt servants of corporate interests. That's much worse.

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Here here. While we're at it, make it illegal to receive any other money from any company, job, position, book deal, consulting gig etc and then step back as they all retire in 20 seconds.

Edit: any other money while on the job that is. Afterwards they can Fox all they want

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More public money needs to be spent on advanced fracking techniques, naturally.

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Ike would certainly have taken them to task over their willful ignorance re climate change and their craven subservience to the billionaires.

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Tell me again how much money we spend on 'defense'? 640 billion (2015) you say?

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The Armageddon that dare not speak its name.

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