foot size can be changed . . . there are still some women victims of "foot binding" extant.

[ i'm sure there are some "conservatives" who think this is just hunky-dorey ]

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Do these fuckwits believe that Jesus hated sinners and advocated for torturing them?

Because that's not what my Bible says.

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Creeps like this make the Catholic Church look like boy scouts. Oh wait...

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Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't all that hedonism in the Roman Empire a symptom of the corruption? I thought the massive economic and social inequalities plus a reliance on foreign soldiers to fight expansionist wars (partly due to dumb land inheritance laws) did in the Western empire, which humans definitely learned a lesson from and never, ever repeated.

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Please Mr. Hurst, please continue to hammer this! You are the only news source out here doing it and IT NEEDS TO BE DONE!

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This is a good article but falsely premised on the idea that this guy can feel “shame” or “embarrassment “ if these tapes are shown. The tapes are proof positive that he’s a righteous dude. Feature not a bug.

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Wait, so now there's something *wrong* with torture?

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Has anyone noticed that Mike has a pretty mouth?

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Man does that guy ever have a Creepy Youth Pastor vibe.

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Something tells me this Speaker limelight ain’t all that Mike Johnson was expecting when god chose him to take the gavel. Dudes like him just double down forever on their insane beliefs, taking all this heat, criticism and horror as proof that their mission is righteous. I have no doubt he and his covenant wife are praying together to be strong, keep fighting to deny lgtbq+ people humanity, and above all deny their own unholy bodily desires.

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Is it irony (I struggle with it) that conservatives misunderstand societal realities and human behavior so badly they want to ban vital transgender care but push tragically harmful gay conversion therapy? It may not be irony, just tragic and maddening.

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The Left is melting down. Excellent, cry more.

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"Flavia and Cornelia were stuck in each other’s ditches playing each other’s lady fiddles"

I love the benefits of a classical education

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I wonder how many times he was pushed into a gym locker in middle school? Just goes to show you how bullying can come back and bite you on the ass...

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"It's time we have an honest conversation about homosexuality".

We're trying, Mike, but you and your ilk keep butting in with unhinged homophobic bullshit.

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Fuck "Day of Truth" I'm waiting for the Night of the Long Knives when the MAGA's smoke the Christian Nationalists or is it the other way around? I dunno, some group of right wing lunatics takes out another group of lunatics by practicing their 2nd Amendment rights MAGA!

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