Exactly. Which is why teachers shouldn't force them to act in ordinance with some pre-defined gender role. I used to love playing with barbies & ninja turtles as a kid, and if someone said I couldn't play with barbies I raised holy hell.
Although if you look at the latest Pew Religious Values Survey, 51 percent of members of historically black churches say homosexuality should be accepted, compared to something like 35 percent of evangelical protestants. Muslim Americans are also around 40 percent.
I rather wonder if the "blacks-hate-the-gays" trope is less about creating a wedge between the blahs and the gheys, and more about driving a wedge between both and "centrist" white heterosexuals who just want everyone to get along and not demand anything.
"And lo! Thou shalt not address thy subjects or thy slaves or thy oxen or thy concubines by other than their given name. It is a sin unto the Lawd to treat thy neighbor as a human. Thy rent boys shalt be addressed as master. So saith the Lawd."[Rant 4:27]
ya know, when I was adopted and my name changed in 6th grade mine went to the school to do the same thing. Know what? the school said OK and nobody sued or got fired. man we were weird way back then...
some 'rents think they are soooooooo funny that way. give your kid a good solid name like Donna Rose (OK, pandering suck it up) and don't make your kid a target
Black people, especially older and olds, frequently and openly support anti-GLBTQ legislation and actively try to quash any laws from which the GLBTQ community would benefit. These pathetic hateful sad people are quite active in our Nation's blah-blah-boring capital. Spreading homophobia and fear mongering about transsexual persons and alternative lifestyles, as well as, bizarre "facts" about AIDS and HIV.
In my experience 99% of African American hate for GLBTQ originates from their churches.
However, I've met several educated professional non-church going African Americans who also have this hate because it's (they splained and claimed) part of black culture in Washington, DC. A place which is far more conservative (even in the AA community) than most people understand.
In contrast, African American youth is this area are way cool and hipper than their elders' arthritic hips and quite accepting and tolerant of GLBTQ (with many having friends and family who are LGBTQ) which gives me hope. That and gingerbread.
Exactly. Which is why teachers shouldn't force them to act in ordinance with some pre-defined gender role. I used to love playing with barbies & ninja turtles as a kid, and if someone said I couldn't play with barbies I raised holy hell.
Although if you look at the latest Pew Religious Values Survey, 51 percent of members of historically black churches say homosexuality should be accepted, compared to something like 35 percent of evangelical protestants. Muslim Americans are also around 40 percent.
Tempted to have another child and name him/her "Praise Allah" just to fuck with this woman.
"...claims to be “the leading values-based educational child care system in the U.S.” (Feel free to speculate wildly about what that means.)"
OBVIOUSLY it means: "yes, of COURSE it's only a matter of time until we're on trial for child abuse. Why even ask?". :P
I never know which gay married homosexxxual I'm talking to. You get introduced to "Randy and Mark," and I never know which is which.
I rather wonder if the "blacks-hate-the-gays" trope is less about creating a wedge between the blahs and the gheys, and more about driving a wedge between both and "centrist" white heterosexuals who just want everyone to get along and not demand anything.
Wow. Okay. That's...okay.
It's right dere in da bibble!
"And lo! Thou shalt not address thy subjects or thy slaves or thy oxen or thy concubines by other than their given name. It is a sin unto the Lawd to treat thy neighbor as a human. Thy rent boys shalt be addressed as master. So saith the Lawd."[Rant 4:27]
In three hours, nobody's broken out the AOT,K? Fine. I'LL do it - I SAID I'll do it! SHEESH! AOT, K.
Like Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney.
ya know, when I was adopted and my name changed in 6th grade mine went to the school to do the same thing. Know what? the school said OK and nobody sued or got fired. man we were weird way back then...
some 'rents think they are soooooooo funny that way. give your kid a good solid name like Donna Rose (OK, pandering suck it up) and don't make your kid a target
Black people, especially older and olds, frequently and openly support anti-GLBTQ legislation and actively try to quash any laws from which the GLBTQ community would benefit. These pathetic hateful sad people are quite active in our Nation's blah-blah-boring capital. Spreading homophobia and fear mongering about transsexual persons and alternative lifestyles, as well as, bizarre "facts" about AIDS and HIV.
In my experience 99% of African American hate for GLBTQ originates from their churches.
However, I've met several educated professional non-church going African Americans who also have this hate because it's (they splained and claimed) part of black culture in Washington, DC. A place which is far more conservative (even in the AA community) than most people understand.
In contrast, African American youth is this area are way cool and hipper than their elders' arthritic hips and quite accepting and tolerant of GLBTQ (with many having friends and family who are LGBTQ) which gives me hope. That and gingerbread.
And Sangiovese, also too.
Your comment reminded me of this.
Your sacrifice has been noted and appreciated. Your benevolence just about makes up for the sheer shittiness of these morans.