My son, who is a high school teacher in a Chicago Public School, spent the week handing out Kleenex to weeping children, who have very real fears of family disruption and death-by-cop. Not a lot of learning got done, or at least not the kind they pay him for.

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I don't think it's even that. It's that if someone not like them is doing well, then there's something wrong, whether or not it affects them.

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"Spongebob Squarepants fan club meetings in Tyron's mom's basement"

Where do I sign up?

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Airfare, transportation, hotel, fried chicken all inclusive!

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I had to sit real still and avoid the subtitles, like you said, it helps. But if I had any distractions at all, I would be lost! I love it though. The message AND the accent.

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Welcome to the witchery. We are pretty nasty wimmenz. With cakes and ale.

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> It's that thing about privilege isn't it?

Think of how anxious the end of Jim Crow made low class whites feel? They used to be able to say to themselves "at least the colored can't drink from this fountain, I'm better than them" et cetera

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Did you listen to the T.AL. piece or read the same longer form piece in Pro Publica about police forcing a rape victim to recant, convicting her of the crime of making false statements and then, miraculously, being shown incontrovertible evidence she had been raped?

GG police.

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Unless they ca figure out how to put it "off budget" -- like the Iraq invasion and occupation.

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Please share THIS with anyone who argues that Hillary lost because of Working Class desires for real jobs:https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I'm aware of what he's saying (if I haven't misread it) and agree about how people are exploited and turned against each other. And yes obviously everyone has to try and resist that and battle the real causes of economic insecurities. But I saw his post as a variant of "they have economic anxiety, therefore we must excuse them, and we must prioritize recreating their economic security". Which I take issue with. An explanation is not an excuse. And I also grant them agency and responsibility to find a better response than descending into hate. If you think back to periods of economic expansion, whether 50s, 60s, 90s even, pretty sure the racism was just as widespread, just better hidden in the areas we are talking about. And if we could magically produce economic security, say a gigantic jobs program or even a Scandinavian level of safety net, do you really think their claim on privilege and racism would evaporate? The New Deal was that, and excluded African Americans by design.So no I'm still not buying it.

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Well as long as "it's understandable to some degree, but not excusable" is the important takeaway. And the priorities that flow from that, like for example shaming racists, proto-fascists and Republican enablers, whether elites or the common clay of the new Reich. And holding the counties and states that chose that path accountable. As in reducing revenue flows from blue states to red. Don't know if the last is even possible, much less advisable, but I think it deserves serious consideration.(I would also note that when that economic anxiety was not present, during periods of post-war economic expansion, that racism was alive and well. Even in northern places that never had the long history of elites pitting white against black. Which is is a problem for the "elites did this to them" argument.)

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Newt was calling for it just yesterday in fact.

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I do all those things constantly.

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I figured you did. It's all I can think of to do right now, as well.

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When the Trump voter averages $72,000.00 a year in income and 80% rate on the racial resentment scale, it is very difficult to claim that Trump voters are economically marginalized and not racially or misogynistically motivated.

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