Does that include all the stupid women who have "permanent eye liner?"

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No, don't cover your head, they'll think you're a mooslim. You can't win. It's getting to the point where anybody who goes outside is an honorary Jew/Latinx/Muslim/African American/Country Music Fan/Kid at school. Did I leave anyone out? Because basically, we're all being held hostage and targeted by ammosexuals.

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It must!

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At least she's been spayed, and someone is probably taking care of her. She's pretty!

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I try to avoid even that "pleasure."

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Yes, to paraphrase ex-military Wonker Shivaskeeper, there are no such things as accidents with firearms, it is a failure to use them safely. And they should have to have insurance. It worries me that weapons are painted pink and treated as toys.

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I took her to get TNRed after catching her kitten and putting him in an adoption program in June. As far a ferals go she has it made. A fenced in yard, water bowl, and an insulated igloo shelter. Her and her friend hang out most of the day. I've even caught them playing with each other on the grass at night like carefree house cats do.

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That's a large part of the problem. I'm a professional gun carrier, have been all my life. Military, LE, and private personal security. I've watched guns go from respected and slightly feared tools to toys and magical fetishes that instantly turn weak, fearful people into invincible Rambos by their mere possession.

It's ridiculous, and it has to end. And a large part of that responsibility lies on the shoulders of the NRA and the manufacturers. Another part lies on the shoulders of Hollywood, going back many decades.

And I say this AS a gun owner and sometimes carrier of same: The guns need to go. Assault rifles need to be banned outright. High cap mags and drums, same thing. Mag size for long guns should be FEDERALLY mandated (Fuck you states rights assholes) at 5 rounds MAX, regardless of caliber. Shotguns, no more than 6. Handguns, no more than 10, and I'd prefer 6, but we're not getting that toothpaste back in the tube ever.

Institute a federal buyback of the banned weapons and accessories. Fair market value, and no, we don't give a shit how much tacticool junk you've added. 60 day amnesty period. After that, the gloves come off.

10 years in prison for every banned WEAPON you have. Per weapon. You hid more than 5? Bump it up to 20 per. 5 years per for every high cap mag as well. You got more than 5? Hey! You just earned yourself 10 years per.

Actually use one to commit a crime? 20 years for the crime, PLUS the above. Actually kill someone? Fuggedaboutit. You're doing all day inside.

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I feel like a murderer when I have to thin seedlings.

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Yeah, years back we had a bunch of strays and ferals, and we TNR'd a bunch of them. Then we re-trapped them and brought them inside, because we liked them. And they lived here the rest of their lives. The last 2 of them passed away last summer, both of old age. The ferals took a while to tame, because they weren't used to people at all, but they became loving housecats.

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"I never engaged in this kind of thing beforeBut yes, I think it can be very easily doneWe'll just put some bleachers out in the sunAnd have it on Highway 61"

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It's Sophie's choice !

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I can't be arsed. You'll just have to deal with my rants every so often. Or until I get a girlfriend. That's still a thing, right?

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You're a good sammich Kat!

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Yes FYI, Parakeetist is single. She sounds like a sweetie.

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