A few years back, the administration at LSU asked the tenured faculty for public support for its damn-fool policy of firing non-tenured instructors to improve our ranking in US News & World Report, or some such. I said to a colleague that it stank of the loyalty oath, and he said "but you signed a loyalty oath when you got here". So, I guess I did sign one once. I hope it leaves as little impression on these kids' minds as it did on mine.
Definitely take the oath, <i>then</i> learn about the Constitution. It works for religion; why shouldn&#039;t it work for &quot;patriotism&quot; too?
I was in Arizona on bidness while back, Sierra Vista as I recall, and on my way back to the No-Tel Mo-Tel stopped at a 7/11 to get some water. There were a couple of people ahead of me at the counter, including one young dude with a small automatic in a holster on his belt. Was he waiting patiently in line to rob the place, or just a solid citizen exercising his right to bear arms?
There&#039;s no way to tell!
No one should go to Arizona. It&#039;s too crazy there.
A few years back, the administration at LSU asked the tenured faculty for public support for its damn-fool policy of firing non-tenured instructors to improve our ranking in US News &amp; World Report, or some such. I said to a colleague that it stank of the loyalty oath, and he said &quot;but you signed a loyalty oath when you got here&quot;. So, I guess I did sign one once. I hope it leaves as little impression on these kids&#039; minds as it did on mine.
And then, the oral sex.
You know Offler prefers sausages.
That shit is terrible. Is Israel an ICC member? I&#039;m guessing not.
From orbit?
You guessed correctly.
No cat photos?
Bet nobody takes his clothes out of the dryer without folding them, though.
I can never keep track of which state is crazier: Arizona or Texas, though AZ wins this round.
An economics professor I know maintains that desert cities like Phoenix are bound to be temporary phenomena.
You don&#039;t <i>have</i> to be stupid to live in Arizona, but they&#039;re sure making it difficult not to be.
Faithfully discharge? Does this tie into the intentionally giving someone an STD thing?
Freedom&#039;s just another word for nothing left to lose.
Kris Kristofferson should campaign to get that on currency in place of &#039;In God We Trust&#039;.
Definitely take the oath, <i>then</i> learn about the Constitution. It works for religion; why shouldn&#039;t it work for &quot;patriotism&quot; too?
I was in Arizona on bidness while back, Sierra Vista as I recall, and on my way back to the No-Tel Mo-Tel stopped at a 7/11 to get some water. There were a couple of people ahead of me at the counter, including one young dude with a small automatic in a holster on his belt. Was he waiting patiently in line to rob the place, or just a solid citizen exercising his right to bear arms?
There&#039;s no way to tell!
No one should go to Arizona. It&#039;s too crazy there.
Mr Ledbetter&#39;s work, adapted?