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Still glad Obama won in 2012 tho. Obamacare would have REALLY been gone under President Mittens.

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Let us know how giving up in advance and waiting for the train to come and take you to the camps works.

Me, I'm going to fight

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I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


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How did the People who watched the movie Red Dawn and envision themselves as the Wolverines end up being the collaborators?


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Hate to say it, but Mitt was right about Russia.

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I remember the Birch Society tract None Dare Call It Treason. It was about Commies infiltrating the U.S. Government. Well, now they're not Commies, they're a nasty right-wing authoritarian state, and our government is in cahoots with them, this time for real and not just in some crazed CT.

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Me too! 😲😲😲😲😲😲

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This is why an example needs to be made of Russia, for what really is an act of war, along with all the traitors here that are helping them.

They need to be completely shut out of the global economy and cut off from the internet, North Korea style, until Putin learns his place (ie, up against a wall somewhere in Moscow).

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Welcome to Kremlin West™


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Just waiting for QAnon to work out how this Microsoft report fits in to the plan by Bill Gates to inject 5G transmitters to track and control the population with a Covid-19 vaccine as cover using Soros bucks to pay for it all.

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Bigotry against queers and non-white people.

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That fact has been haunting me for the past 4 years.

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Once President Biden takes office he will be able to sanction the FUCK out of Russia, thereby utterly collapsing the shabby facade of an economy fronted by Russia and force Putin to submit.

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Those bastards! America would never try to hack other nations' systems to gather intellegence!

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If we hadn't built them up, how could we justify spending so much on weapons?

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