Every depressed mother can console herself with the fact that, when her child has a child of their own, that depressed mother's IQ will go up 50 to 100 points in the eyes of their child.

That's just science, bitches!

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I believe they're busy researching non-extradition countries.

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I gave a friend who doesn't drive a ride to a chiropractor consultation (because Medicare pays for chiropractors), and they had an anti-vaxxer poster on the wall in the lobby. A woman came in with her children (five of them), and I got the fuck out of there, because I've never had the mumps and never had the mumps vaccine because it wasn't invented when I was a kid.

Interestingly, whatever your problem is, it can be addressed with the maximum number of visits authorized by Medicare.

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And then you'll ask yourself, "How did I get here?"

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No one said there would be Math!

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¿¿No es ¡¡Pendejo!!?? ¡Joder! My Spanish obvs sucks 😎😎😢

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2+2=5 😉😉😉

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Idaho potato libelz 😂😂😂

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Also, too ... ¡Hijo de puta! 😇😇😇

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¡Lo siento mucho! 😢😢😢

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Child : "Hey mom , don't forget your meds.."

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Everything we do is a task, including taking tests. These tasks can be made easier or more difficult by ones level of intelligence. My point was that performing one task is a poor way of measuring all of our various forms of intelligence.

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Oh, I love liver. The secret is to undercook it. Now kidneys - ick. But my father loved steak and kidney pie, so I was exposed to them as a child far more than seems fair.

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Railfan, model railroader, amateur railroad historian. It gets me out of the house.

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Oh, that's a good one. I admit I didn't notice it straight up but now I do, I gets it.

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Babe, I was the mom of a competitive figure skater. Never. Do. That. You know how you seldom see second generation champion figure skaters? Yeah.

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