Projection, assholes, etc etc etc.

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Christ on a cracker, that is TERRIFYING!

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If any of my friends ask me if they should leave the US, I am not sure i can argue for them to stay. at this point, I would urge them to get the hell out of here for the next four years. this country is going bad first and i fear its going to get worse and worse.

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They just want to make it easier for the cis male perv, now he doesn't have to go to the trouble of presenting as a woman. He can claim he is a trans woman. And get his jollies watching women standing in line, washing their hands, and applying make-up. Since women's rooms have stalls with doors, he sadly won't see any nakedness, and he will have to sit down to pee in order to pull off his deception. Hope he has fun.

Of course, he might get shot, and my real concern is that trans men will get shot or beaten because they look cis male. And a trans woman going into a men's room is almost sure to encounter trouble. This whole RWNJ idea is bullshit.

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hmm. we must have spilled coffee on the memo where it says "teach them what to think" ... we read instead "teach them to think".

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I know what you mean. My bestie lives in Tokyo and has no plans of returning. My sister was living there but decided to come back, and I think I would worry about her less if she hadn't. If I were to try and go anywhere, I think it would permanently kill my career, since my job skills don't really translate to a lot of other contexts. And I would never be able to be at peace with leaving the people I'd inevitably have to leave behind.

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Hey, I am all about yapping at folks not standing up for their demographic, but I am not cool with the inherit trans-hate in that comment. Like her or not, Caitlin is a woman and deserves to be acknowledged as such. Is she someone who really needs to get her head out of her ass and realize that there is some serious shit going on to other trans people and LGBT folks and maybe she should help do something about that's? You bloody bet she should! But no matter what idiocy she says or does, she is still a woman. Taking that away from her makes you just as bad as the alt-right arseholes. Don't be doing that.

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I don't start by telling them anything. I'll ask what it is about a scenario that has them anxious and go from there.Getting someone to ser where they're beliefs start is a good place to start a dialogue.'I' statements and questions.

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Why yes, where have you been? This ain't new.Other people's experience is hard to get and may seem icky, so let 'em die.

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If you drop a piano on him the dick will probably get crushed with piano votes.

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Caitlin Jenner may be someone who has really, really shitty political views but hey people do not get access to correct pronouns just when you like them, so don't misgender her okay

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Just because Putin gave America to the Nazis, don't expect him to give them Crimea.

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IK,R ? Then they broadcasted Trump promising pie in the sky to his slobbering followers without comment. Even a coal company owner ( whose name I forget) said coal wasn't coming back. That didn't get any play either.

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"...protecting all students, including LGBTQ students..."

That's like replying to "black lives matter" with "all lives matter."

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I agree with what you and everyone else is saying; frankly, I think more people need to be called out when they're being stupid/ignorant/blind. It's just a lot harder when you really care about the person you're talking with, and other than some bad ideas are good people. If it's Spicer or Trump or some other moron, I'll tell them flat out they're assholes. When it's someone you actually care about, though... I dunno; seems like telling them their ideas are bad and stupid isn't going to endear much understanding, especially if they feel under attack already.

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