They get to steal drugs in the drug raids.

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Albuquerque, for one. Not saying they do any good.

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Cops shot loads of people at the Pulse night club. Machine gunned them through the walls. Data on bullet calibers is STILL embargoed in that case.

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Yeah, but that's when PROPERTY is endangered.

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Cheaper than taxes.

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Or graft or free drugs.

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They might also seize your property and make you pay to get it back.

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Why, the ruling class can't do without them.

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and since the Army is scrapping all their Mk-4's, M-16's, and SAWs for shiny new Sig Battle Rifles there will soon be a glut on the market of 5.56 ammo, rifle parts, and accoutrements.

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Put them to work doing something useful.

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First things first. SECOND, confiscate the surplus value they stole from us.

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Better for him to let someone else do the talking for him then let him to continue to bury himself, I think. IDK, I'm trying to find all the decency I can I guess. LOL.

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True, but also life. Some members are trained to enter burning buildings in breathing apparatus and search for people. Even bushfires threaten life.

But I see your point. I'd say the difference is our volunteers know they'll be doing the job for real, not fucking cosplaying.

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We don't have special police forces for school districts or individual schools or anything to do with fucking schools because WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK???

Mind you, we only have one police force and one legal system for the entire state, paid for by the State government with no elected positions because again, WHAT THE ENTIRE FUCK? The only elected person who gets near it is the State Government minister for Police. And their role is entirely funding and legislation - they have no direct authority in police operations.

The American police system is a MESS.

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It's probably changed names since I learned about it, but most or all agencies should be following the Incident Command System, which establishes who the incident commander is from the very first response.

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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" -- Arthur Clarke"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" -- Robert Hanlon"Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice" -- Grey

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