Wasn't that a plot point in the Muppet reboot? The evil Mr. Richman (ooh, subtle) is incapable of laughter, so he just shouts "Maniacal laugh!"

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Is that tie gold lamé? Or just lame?

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He had it custom made by his live-in tie tailor. No, j/k, that'd involve paying someone for doing their job.

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Entry 9. "Women only hold up half the sky. Weak. Low energy."http://chineseposters.net/i...

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Pathetic. Loser.

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We managed to raise one flaming liberal and one libertarian. Fortunately the libertarian is so self-absorbed I doubt he remembers to vote.

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They're right. It *was* his best debate. By which people mean he was slightly less terrible than he was in the other 2.

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Hey! That's me

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that smile and wave at 21 sec, that's her waving to the bill clinton accusers mouthing the words "suck it bitches"

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she must have met a lot of really racist people

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I hope she invites him to the next correspondents dinner though, maybe obama can come back and do a set before he does his gig at the comedy store

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if she managed to get saudi arabia to chip in for aids drugs, I think she should have written art of the deal

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Yeah-he's really an adroit comedic actor. I used to not like him at ALL but then I read about his devotion to his special needs son and saw him in Horrible Bosses and changed my opinion.

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You're right--sorry, I was thinking about Feingold, who is smearing his opponent. I hope Katie takes Toomey to the cleaners.

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Speaking of which: Al Smith Dinner is "Breaking News?" Breaking wind, breaking nonsense w/out a doubt. News not so much.

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He's down with OPD.

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