There are plenty of laws I don't like, but I still obey. Also, if I was under threat of jail time, I would use any of them in my own defense. Because laws exist for a reason.

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Didn't Shitler "buy" a Glock in some stunt recently? Did he declare his adderal snorting on the form? And how does the cokehead son get to have an arsenal?

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Whether he "bought" it or not is irrelevant. The statute forbids anyone under felony indictment from "possessing" a gun so his mere handling of it was a crime.

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I'm not just being rhetorical when I say that the MAGA movement, and "modern" American conservatism, have NOTHING. No ideas, no policies, not even bad ones. It's exactly like Tolkien described his great bad guy Morgoth, who had "no plan except to go on raging until he had destroyed the world." It's a government of infantile rich white men who hate everything.

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Republicans love a redemption story. Hunter could be their hero, if they weren’t so fixated on his penis running for reelection.

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We're experiencing a lot of firsts this year. First House Speaker fired, first President's relative held accountable for their non-political hijinks, first (former) President indicted for multiple non-political and political hijinks, up to and including treason . . .

And it's that last one that keeps tripping me up. We've got a former President on trial for actual treason, and everyone is all "but lookit the current sitting President's non-political office holding kid! Sure, he's not listed as an informal advisor and somehow still was assigned an office in the White House itself, doesn't represent the country in any capacity, or broker deals for themselves using their dad's political connections, but OBVIOULSLY his minor escapades are so much more important than trying to stage an actual coup!"

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I'm genuinely so sick of Hunter Biden and what he may or may not have been doing with his penis during business meetings when he handed the phone off to foreign agents to say hi to his dad, or whatever is supposed to have happened.

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I work at a job that regularly takes me into the houses of a certain kind of well-off old people. The TV is on all the time, with FOX shouting the bullshit of the moment at them 24/7. I think of millions of them all over the country and shudder. That's who the whole vast conservative media machine is aimed at, the kinds of people who buy My Pillow.

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Nah, rich people don't buy My Pillows. They have enough money to buy pillows that actually support the head and neck.

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Too bad the rest of the big media are on the same page as faux & the copycats.

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Ummm... how do you figure?

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how long before everybody in the mass media "forgets" to say "Hunter" when covering his problems.

apparently that accountant lady at the "we're sure we'll find something" hearing did it all through her book.

pretty soon the only one remembering that Hunter exists will be his father who is guilty of one thing: he loves his son!

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"First ever child of a -----sitting----- president" So how many times have kids of former/future presidents have gotten into trouble with the law?

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The high bar to firearms ownership should be: Are you a member of the National Guard, a reservist, or in the regular military? No? - fuck you. Yes? - fuck you, the government owns the firearms, but you can use them when properly checked out of the armory. Okay, maybe some exceptions for things like "I'm a guide in Alaska, and all these motherfucking grizzlies keep trying to eat me!"

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All citizens could have a gun safe with a gps tracker and webcam on the gun. the camera would activate whenever the gun is not inside the gunsafe. When the gun is returned to the safe, the footage is uploaded to the justice department. Evidence of tampering or bringing the gun within 1000 feet of protected places like schools, other peoples homes, public and commercial buildings would be a felony. Shooting ranges and designated hunting grounds only. The safe would also have an internal camera to monitor that gun parts and bullets are not being shuffled out.

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And no semi-automatic weapons, no bump stocks, and anyone who has ever "rolled coal" is permanently banned from firearms ownership. Or, since the conservatives on the court are so hung up on the constitutional originalism, or whatever it is called, black powder flintlock muskets and pistols only.

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Or "I live in the middle of f'ing nowhere and we can't go hunting with a blinking cleaver."

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Still amazed that the NRA isn't in his corner.

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That's because the NRA is a Republican PAC. Whatever their original purpose is, it is now a vehicle to make sure that gun-aligned people stay Republican.

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I was, of course, being sarcastic

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Sauce for the goose, sauce for the goose hunter.

Remember, Trump's first official act as president was allowing mentally ill people to have guns. Addiction is an illness. Trump's 2017 action arguably made Hunter's gun possession legal two years later (purchase is a bit dicier). Reap what you sow.

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Oh, yes, the "Interesting! You want single payer health care, yet you participate in the insurance based health care system" "argument".

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If Hunter Biden were Hunter Trump or Hunter Bush, the yowling about the 2nd Amendment would be heard in deep space. Probably heard by whatever is on the other side of a black hole (a better world?). Republicans are nothing if not tribal hypocrites with zero shame at their own inconsistency. I would like to catapult them all into the sun.

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*the first-ever criminal prosecution of a sitting US president’s child*

What was Bush 41’s position when Dubya got pinched for a DWI in Maine? 🤔

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What happened with that AWOL? I mean DUI?

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OT, but addiction (since Hunter got brought up and I just brought up addiction).

I work with addicts all the time even though our hospital is mental health, not detox. There's a ton of cross-over.

And there are two things I've learned. The first one I learned early on - well before I had my first job.

Rule Number One Above All Else: DO NOT try any drug that is addictive. The whole point is you're gonna like it and then you're totally fucked. You will not be the first person in the history of ever to use it responsibly and not ruin your own life.

Rule Number Two: Addicts have few if any boundaries. I used to ask how anyone could have a $3K a day coke habit (a thing that was a thing apparently). I don't even make that much in a month and have no clue how I'd come up with that every single day.

The answer was always theft. Stealing from friends and family mostly.

If you're dealing with an addict then the one thing you need to know going in is that they have zero boundaries. If they think they're about to go into withdrawal they'll do almost anything to stop that from happening.

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It still surprises me that many - not all, but many - recovery organizations, mental health professionals, members of the judiciary, etc. don't seem to acknowledge or realize that many people grappling with addiction are either self-medicating an undiagnosed mental illness or trying to manage the fact that they no longer have access to meds. Some of the more successful people I know who have recovered from crystal meth and other amphetamines did so after receiving an ADD/ADHD diagnosis, started taking Ritalin/Concerta/Adderal - or a non-stimulant based one like Strattera - and it became a lot easier for them not to lapse or relapse. Not a magic bullet, obviously, but remarkable given how hard it is to kick meth, and how there are infamously no proven medical interventions for meth addiction.

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The people who tie hunters behavior to his dad would never vote for Biden anyway. Any other defendent would plead not guilty. The outcome of this trial has zero to do with President Biden.

This is all just a lot of garbage to detract from the fact that a lying, cheating dictator in the making is the most popular guy in the GOP and is running against Joe Biden, not Hunter Biden

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The hell with Hunter Biden -- I just want the goddamn gig where you investigate somebody for FIVE YEARS and then indict him on one charge that you got from reading his book. I would be the most tan, in shape, well-rested prosecutor you ever saw.

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