That's why it's a stretch. She claims injury due to the treatment of employees who are not in the same protected group ... but the racism could be ruled irrelevant to her claim. Or not... which is what makes this interesting. (Try to imagine that they were balls-out racist pricks, but gave her the full "Southern Gentleman" treatment... would she still have a case due to the hostile environment? If not, why is it relevant here?)

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His grandfather dropped the "tl" sometime in the 1940s.

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Way I see it, she had a duty to shield them from that kind of behavior, which she pursued with at least ordinary diligence (I'd say extraordinary given her intervention in Bubba's more violent outbursts against the black employees), and the company's officers had a fiduciary duty to support her efforts to do so, which they failed to pursue with even slight diligence.

But then, I'm not a Georgia juror, am I?

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If <a href="http:\/\/www.flickr.com\/photos\/jenniferconley\/4613987990\/" target="_blank">a soggy marsh marred by a bunch of wooden walkways</a> is scenic, then yes.

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I am going on vacation to Savannah later this summer (I know, elitist) and I will pay $100 to Paula Deen's restaurant there if her and Bubba will call me a nigger to my face, on camera. I seriously will pay, it's hard to get old-fashioned home-cooked racism in the south these days, and this would make me internet famous for at least 90 days. And then Paula and I will laugh and laugh and laugh.... then I set her restaurant on fire and walk away in to the antebellum scented night, whistling Dixie.

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Zimmerman's friend was the first, only and ever bla(h)ck person to say that coon is a term of endearment among the darker amongst us.

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I'm demanding my office fly their flags at half mast tomorrow.

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I beg your pardon, sir, as a southern transplant who has come to love Sweet Tea, which is really the only kind worth making, I must defend its honor. Sweet Tea is never made correctly with corn syrup/sugar, but only with pure, lily white sugar - preferably Dixie Crystals. GOOD Day, Sir!

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The woman deep fried a lasagna.

A fucking lasagna.

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And of course prefixing it with "fucking" just makes it so much friendlier.

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Seems the nephews are liking it just fine. They're eager members of the "Boys Club", according to the complaint.

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Guess there really is just too much racism and sexism in the complaint to fit in one itty bitty Wonkette post without tl;dr'ing it.

'Cuz our Editrix left out the part about Paula Y'all's ideal "true southern plantation-style wedding" for her brother... with service staff comprising "a bunch of little niggers wear[ing] long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties", preferably tap dancing. "But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that" (not because it's fucking racist as all hell, Paula?)

Hey Paula, would you like this cake? The frosting's extra thick. Here, let me deep fry it for you. Yes, I'm sure it'll be fine with your condition.

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Might be a bit of a reach, but there's <a href="http:\/\/www.washingtonpost.com\/national\/on-faith\/court-says-non-jewish-man-can-sue-for-anti-semitic-remarks\/2012\/04\/23\/gIQA1xyacT_story.html" target="_blank">precedent under state laws</a>.

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Nobody makes a white bread, butter and white sugar sandwich like Ole Paula. Or Bubba.

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Thank you, Texanna.

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