GI Bill? That means you didn't work for it, you murdered for it and the government is worried that releasing a trained murderer back into society would have negative consequences so they made sure you were gainfully employed. Don't you get it? You got that education because they were scared of you. You are the monster the government is scared of. Your kind basically blackmailed society into giving free educations, yet when non-violent civilians say that these other non-violent civilians could be helped by paying the worst of their bills, you disagree? Do you hate the economic growth that follows education? Or do you just hate the idea of helping people?

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Education should be free, easily available, and normal enough that you get time for it during your job. But school should be banned, school in it's current form is an abusive environment.

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WTF is even RONG with that man, anyway?

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Same -- only mine was a different degree(s), but yeah, the good old BEOG financed much of my Univ life -- along with some scholarships & stuff. I had exactly one National Guaranteed Student Loan which ended up being forgiven anyway. When Late Hubs (similar Univ experience) and I began parsing the sheer $$$$ which would be needed to educate 3 kids, we just about passed the fuck out. Sky high. Now? *shudder* Nightmare.

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By the time I reconsidered grad school BEOG was history, and when I crunched the numbers, it was a practical impossibility even with a 50% discount as a university employee.

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Conservatives: "Western Civilization is dying because no one studies its history and its art."Also conservatives: "If you couldn't make money with Art History or Classics, you shouldn't have majored in them."

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Ashley and Madison might get the vax, but a couple six years ago when I was trying to stay awake during my niece’s graduation from Big State U, I counted the Brittneys in the program, and when I realized that was like counting rednecks at a pig pickin I only counted Brittneys with the middle name Nicole, and I still came up with 28. Absolutely irrelevant, I know. Here’s a universal truth that’s been around long enough that all the Barbaras and Helens and even the Ethels and Myras remember - fear of potential consequences years later on doesn’t stop teenagers from having sex. “I got the vax, let’s get it on” is something I bet nobody has ever said. In regards to HPV, that is.

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Who are these theoretical people who took on mountains of debt without stopping to think about future earning power? I’ve never met one, but I’m eager for an introduction. And if they’re that stupid, what college accepted them? You successfully knocked down your straw man, but your advice to “just serve in the armed forces and make sure there’s an affordable college that will accept you” is not a one-size-fits-all solution, just as my emergency hysterectomy wasn’t the best way to prevent cervical cancer. Sure, it worked for me, but I’m not going to run around telling all the youngs to follow my example.

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But there clearly is an answer in your comment.

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I just want to add a note thanking you for "assigned female at birth and have an unaltered anatomy" When I posted, I was thinking of how I specifically was denied by my doctor in my 20's and forgot about the narrowness of my wording. I'm working on it, and it is good to be corrected to remind me.

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I'm extremely fortunate the HPV vaccine came on the market when I was the right age (12-13) and my mom was on top of things enough (and not in denial that her daughter would have sex one day) to take me to get all three doses spaced out as they recommend. Now that I'm older, I'm a lot less worried about having an abnormal pap smear, and would love if this was ultimately included in required immunizations. If I ever have kids, I will definitely be taking them to get this as soon as they are old enough.

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I remember fear-mongering about it years ago from the likes of Michele Bachmann and the other crazies.

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Well as a twenty something Manitoban I was told I had to pay for it if I wanted it.

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When it was time to get my daughter vaccinated, she was upset because someone had convinced her it meant we thought she was promiscuous. (at the time she hadn't had sex yet). I said no, there existed a vaccine that would keep her from getting cancer, any type of cancer, and she was getting it. End of discussion!

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I don't think enough credit is given to Typhoid Mary in this sort of context!

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