Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery's gang, and all that

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From the Greatest Hits album:


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Patience, grasshopper.

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Oh, fuck THAT noise sideways with a rusty chainsaw.


But first, we're gonna have to break the political power of reactionaries once and for all.

And yes, all of that is easier said than done.

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Thanks, but I'm not at all certain that "smarter than Ben Shapiro" is worthy of congratulations, even in these Participation Trophy times...

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Dok should move back to Reedsport in protest. Although "GLUG, GLUG" may not succeed in getting the message across.

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I still want great big giant robots!

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SCUBA lessons in Depends? That's just silly

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He's the hottest actor on that show.

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And the Irish government said "bite me" as I recall.

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Do these idiots realize "coastal" areas aren't just in blue states? Like, a HUGE part of the South is going to take a hit. It's either got coastline (the Gulf counts, y'all!), lowlying easily floodable land, swamps or is near the Mississippi (which is gonna have problems of it own once levels start rising). Seriously, just because you can't see ocean from your bedroom window doesn't mean you're safe. The South's gonna get annihilated once the waters start rising and the leftover red states won't stay red for long with all those blue state refugees.....

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I like how the New York Times assumes that New York will be protected from rising sea levels.

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The Association of Otolaryngologists in Karnataka?

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I will miss the Jersey shore barrier islands. I love everything about the shore except ALL THE BUILDINGS. Perhaps a big storm will wash the buildings away and when the water recedes the islands will still be there (for a while).

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If someone ran for NJ Governor with a platform of "Let the ocean wash away all the shore development", he or she would only get one vote. Mine.

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Now if the Democrats do what the GOP does, they will only approve reparations or resolution spending for Blue State areas. But they aren't the GOP, and will make certain that even the climate change deniers get help. Whether they want it or not. But true to form, the trumpites will probably accept the money or the help then complain about it and swear that Hillary did it. Global warming? Benghazi!

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