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My favorite woodchipper scene will always be the one with Sarah Palin.

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I really enjoyed that book long ago, but even then could see that Jerry Pournelle is a classic fascist.

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Shhhhhhhhhh...I don't think he knows Wonkette exists yet.

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The nerds are out in force in this comment thread. Love it! Long posts, all with proper grammar and punctuation.

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Wouldn't it be easier to just get a few small but dense ships, put one or two near the offending asteroid, and use gravity to move their orbits to a safe one? Sure, it's not as phallic as a big 'splody rocket with nukes, but it's a hell of a lot cheaper and easier.

Also, the best part of Neil Degrass Tyson's show about movies and science was watching him hate on Armageddon.(Look at the angle of those meteors! That's not from space, those were apparently launched from Jersey!)

Well, that, and the story about the night sky at the end of Titanic

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No you're right, the problem is real, though this solution is asinine.

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The whole movie was absurdum. It's one of the best reasons to watch it.

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Really, should be spent on both. But you know, that F-35 lemon (or as Charlie Pierce calls it, the flying swiss army knife) isnt going to fund itself you know.

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This is something we should be spending money on, at least the detection and monitoring part is. There's way cheaper solutions than nukes in space too. That's not to say we shouldn't also be spending more on childhood hunger, because we should be. Instead we keep cutting taxes and throwing money at that lemon the F-35.

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I've been thinking about it, and the NASA doesn't work for me. No extra syllables, please. It's been NASA too long to change it now. Btw, I had the kit sent to kids who wanted to know more about the Mercury Seven, which consisted largely of 8x10 glossies. I don't know what my mother did with it, and I didn't find it when she died.

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Pournelle has only gotten worse. But goddamn, even with the Galactic Empire trope (hereditary peers and worse) that litter "The Mote In God's Eye," it's still brilliant. Especially the section where we learn about the Moties' history and how they handle their fate. I won't spoil it; it's not the plot of the novel, it's just an aside that expands on what they're about.

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With the fudge on the outside, so it heats up as it rounds the sun.

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Love that your avatar is President in Deep Impact, the better giant asteroid movie!!

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