The great American right to openly insult and intimidate Jews and Muslims for the entire month of December. Whee!

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I don't have cable, so all those fuckers are unwatchable.

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Seriously, for a moment.


"Is this a noble country?"


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A baby's arm holding a felafel.

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I wish.

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Bill O knows all the bullshit answers, so long as he can get someone to agree to his innocuous seeming bullshit premises. He's like a Socrates of Derp.

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Bill O twice in one week? This is not a noble website.

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We did not retreat - we are moving to a more strategic location.

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A 10% larger ego than he already had.

Alternatively, he's a 10% bigger asshole. Take your pick.

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Is broken glass a religious symbol?

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Hey --- if the war on Xmas is over, does that mean BillO and Faux will shut the fuck up about it? Because if they do, we all win.

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His right wear his smuggiest asshole face, everywhere, at least for the month of December! His cries of LET MY ASSHOLES FREE were finally heard! HALLELUFAAAART

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Yeah, it's a paradox how anyone prevents their neighborhood from deteriorating in to a free-fire zone without some free-firing back.

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A: "Would you apply your definition of 'noble' to yourself, Bill?"

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<i>"Don’t allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free-fire zones."</i>

Clearly, O'Reilly HATES the Second Amendment.

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<i>"...here is a pathway to success: don’t abandon your children."</i>

O'Reilly divorced his wife when his children were 13 and 8. That doesn't mean he abandoned them and maybe he's speaking from personal sorrow. But it sounds more like hypocrisy.

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