You’ll hear conservatives explode with rage the moment it happens. If it happens. Biiiig if.

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TFG coverage is all about the benjamins.

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You'd think the NRA wouldn't suck at money laundering as bad as this.

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The parties went back and forth with US District Judge Emmet Sullivan getting madder and madder until this week when he'd finally had enough, issuing an Monday deputizing Giffords to sue the NRA itself.

Just gonna leave this out there for the republicans who complain that a judge can't summarily give someone the government's authority - Texas SB8.

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Maybe they shouldn't have used DT as their money laundering model.

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A well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.

An unorganized militia will necessarily become a direct threat to the security of a free state.

Time to regulate the militia.

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1.) mandatory military service2.) which may be substituted by militia service.3.) Teach gun safety. Free Course.4.) Pay the militia, and provide benefits.5.) Wave mandatory service, by Declining Gun Safety Course.6.) Supply private Gun safety course. (very good training, valuable, and expensive.)7.) Free Training and pay for those who sign up.8.) Private Training available for anyone who wants to carry a gun.Not necessary, if you don't own a gun.9.) but your legal responsibility and cost of insurance will be greatly diminished on completing a gun safety course.

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No, but there's some speculation among career DOJ attorneys that it's likely and that they were waiting for the US Attorney for DC to be sworn in, which happened yesterday. Hopefully, we'll know more in the next week or so.

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Better yet, bring the lunch that you ate in the past 1-2 days and leave it there, too.

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Dear God. I can't say what I'd like to say here.

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It already is. It's called the National Guard. Militias are illegal, as is conscription and forced servitude.

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You'd have thought they'd have been smart enough to ask Vlad for USD, not Rubles.

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I don't. I hate the psychos who have turned them into fetishes and toys, with the help of the manufacturers and the GQP.

Guns are tools, like many other things. And like any tool, it can be misused. When gun makers started pushing assault rifles solely for the money, and using advertising propaganda to create demand for them, supported by bought and paid for Politicians in the GQP and lobbying groups like the NRA, and fear mongering from FOX news. The gun addition bears a striking resemblance to the drug industry. Create an addition, and feed the need.

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Whoa. My birth father had one of these, and stupidly traded it for a Suzuki GS 550. Wish he'd kept it.

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Not holding my breath. If they were gonna do it, they'd have done it already.

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Same here. But you can imagine it. Where's my flensing knife?

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