The fuck is a Swedish Espresso Bar, anyhow? Sweden is an outstanding place in many respects, but not really renowned for coffee beans.

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What is <i>with</i> these guys and their obsession with teh gehyz? I mean, the good book explicitly bans shellfish and they are cool with teh fishz.

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Time Machine, duh. How <em>else</em> did his obviously forged "Certificate of Live Birth" (Whatever <strong>that</strong> is...) get into Hawaii's public records?

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Well if your going to repeal Obamacare then I will wait just a little while longer before going to the doctor to find out what is wrong.See I really need to get checked out here we have had this ghey marriage madness for 2 months now and I aint yet started craving furry little creatures or furry big men and we know that was suppose to happen. I figured I have to hurry and get checked since I want to pay all my muneez, I dont want no stinking Obamacare for me but Iffin they are sure about the repeal I'll hold off and give the furry thingy some more time to kick in,dont want to Rush it

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Gay mubobobo? So Barry is from Zimbabwe. The wingnuts have been looking in the wrong country for his birth certificate.

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Who was dressed by Ralph Kramden.

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Hey. I'm opposed to burning buildings--does that mean I'm a pyromaniac?

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Yes, way below the 2nd Commandment, which is about owning guns.

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Behold! The stupidest wingnut thing ever written - at least until the next stupidest wingnut thing ever written is written which will be sometime later today if history is any judge.

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Why would anyone support gay rights unless he was himself gay?

Revealing that conservatives cannot fathom the concept of helping someone because it is the right thing to do...

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Eeeesh. What really pisses off most of these closet trolls is that they're so repulsive they couldn't get laid in prison if they were passing out pardons.

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Dear Mr. Starnes, banning hate speech is, fortunately, something we here Americans do not hold with. I myself, a good liberal, would not want to see even the viler chunks of the Bible censored, or the pastors who encourage violence against targeted people from their pulpits.

On the other hand, I'm beginning to wonder if we could get a Constitutional amendment through to levy a tax on stupidity. That right there would fix the national deficit. Well, the <i>fiscal</i> deficit anyway.

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