White House Announces Next Variant -- COVID-Omicron Persei 8.

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"Russet potatoes? Up 16%"GTFO Gym - it's organic Yukon golds or nothing at all.

These are the facts that recipe hubs are all about.

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Very cool story.

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They have at least one in Fairyland in Oakland

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One thing I meant to mention about this in a top post is that Our Loving Corporations are profiteering on all this inflation talk. It's mentioned in the post by way of a recent Economist article, but Robert Reich pointed that out weeks ago. Never let s good crisis go to waste.

And did we mention that the Media is largely owned by conglomerates?

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gotta say, my industry suffered HARD in the housing bubble crash... wages stagnant for nearly a decade.... but it seems to be covid-proof, and we have absolutely THRIVED for the last 20 months... if they reach into the customer's pocket and put summa that 2008 munny back in my pocket this year, I might be inclined to overlook it this once....

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Was there even a virus when Trump was president? I don’t remember.

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Stagnant wages seem to be a widespread problem, regardless of industry. I would suggest that "reasons" cited might be bullshit. If you're in construction, as you seem to be suggesting, I'd suggest that the reason why you're doing better now is that since the Pandemic started, it's become really hard to replace existing people with cheaper outside labor.

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no, but construction related, heavily dependent at the time, on new house construction. I am in the thermoplastics industry.

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If American consumers were truly getting raped then Jordan would look the other way.

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Hi Grandpa!

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I don't care what the white man says...

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I bought organic cranberries. Same price as last year. Wild rice was a little higher.

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"My bank accounts and 401(k) are flush. I'm negotiating three job offers from my beach chair while vacationing in Key West. Biden has ruined the economy."

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OMFG 2009 go the fuck away.

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"Republicans are also lying on every possible platform about..."

Thought experiment challenge:

Complete the above-quoted sentence any way you can imagine. Does your hypothetical differ in some way that it is significant enough to be distiguished from Just Another Tuesday in America?

I've tried and tried, and I got nuthin'. Every day is JATA.

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