Nah, mang, that kind of racist booshit is nothing he wasn't totally used to back when he was a cute little 15-year-old state senator hanging out in <strike>Klan Kapitol</strike> downstate Illinois, back in the day.

What he seems not to have been prepared for is a whole political party hellbent on never doing any legislating ever again on any subject, because he's black. I don't know why he didn't see that coming.

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Caucasian huddled masses! Unless actually from Caucasia (new rule.)

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On his most eloquent and articulate day, Jeff Sessions couldn't use the word "exotic" correctly. Or pronounce it.

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<i>"... Ron Enderle [is] “ashamed” to have Obama as Commander-in-Chief."</i>

Uh oh. He's gonna get <a href="http:\/\/www.savingcountrymusic.com\/destroying-the-dixie-chicks-ten-years-after" target="_blank">boycotted</a>. Also <a href="http:\/\/www.people.com\/people\/article\/0,,1193665,00.html" target="_blank">death threats</a>.

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I is about to do some splainin here to get this hole mess made right,so stick to me hear whilest I tell you all how it was spained to me..The blamez for this belongs to them what are union thugz what live in the outskirtz of GM in what is called Detroit.Iffin it had not been for them fellerz going down to the souther statez a long time ago and trying to steal all them great gentile menz humanoid farm quiptment and bringin it to the norther statez so it could work so the thugz could sit and get moneez for nothin we would not have the trouble, the souther men gotz mad and the nother menz got madder and that Lincoln feller was shot just watchin a picture show after he told em all to quit fuedin and took all the humanoid quiptment away fromz both the norther and souther folkz.Now the southerz folkz got stuck with messicanz and they blame the obama types and the thugz got stuck with GM whichin is broke along with Detroit and theyz blame the obama typez for that so no matter it be Obama typez what caused all the unpeacefulnezz and until we unpeach him we willz have thiz

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Sessions is just balls-out racist enough to be my #1 guess (check out the google suggestions when you type his name).

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Was Douglas Adams off by 5?

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But nobody roun here is goin' to buy one of them Nissan or Toyota trucks. We likes our Chevys and Fords.

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If you want to see more racist comments, Google 'Balack Obama'.

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See, this is what happens in hot climates. No ice bergs to put the olds on. That and the inbreeding.

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Rumor hazzit that Ted Nugent is apparently thinking of running for president, which I strongly encourage him to do. First, it will provide great fodder for us. Second, it would be the final culmination of the takeover of the Republican party by the uber-crazy right.

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Having been raised in Arizona, gone to school there (Hi fellow NAU alum Dok!), and with a lot of family there, I can say with some authority that Blazing Saddles was correct: They* are "the common clay of the New West...you know, morons."

*My family and a few other progressive types not included. Your mileage may vary. Contents packed by weight and may have settled in shipment. Taxes and tags seperate.

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So, they are 47% racist?

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I'm 99% fed up with this bullshit.

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its more science than science

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Crackers, or just crumbs?

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