Seems like the Logan Act might apply here.

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Ta, Evan. TFG must never hold the reins of power again. Never.

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If I were Biden and the American intelligence community, I'd view briefing Trump as a *massive* opportunity. They could (a) sow some serious misinformation and (b) get evidence of Trump passing it on to Putin. Problem solved!

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I am utterly baffled by the media barely reporting all the high ranking former White House and Cabinet members in Trump’s administration who have denounced him, and who have explicitly state Trump must not be president ever again.

It’s unprecedented for former people in an administration to denounce a former president like this.

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Two ignorant clowns who have zero sense of History. I guess Orban forgot the fun years that the Soviets occupied Hungary. They were having so fun much that Moscow sent tanks into Budapest to kill 2,500 Hungarians. But yeah Putin is totally different he wouldn't send tanks he'd send drones. And Trump, he wouldn't know History if it cured his syphilis but he might remember where got it.

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You're probably right, but then again, the Hungarian uprising included a lot of the kind of people who would be Orban-groupies today... As with the Ukrainians and Russians today, it's easy to overlook that Nationalists are not necessarily "democrats" or "liberals" but includes more than a smattering of Fascists.

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Nope! You may only use Baron von Mustache Ride in reference to Sam Elliott and Tom Selleck.

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Go full operatic: Nietzsche.

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Thank you! Because John Bolton does not inspire the desire to take a mustache ride.

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I would like to ride it with my riding law mower.

Will necessitate very sharp blades no doubt.

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can you imagine the magats in the house screaming about trumpikins not getting his intelligence briefings? the ragegasms would be epic. maybe the dept of defence could make shit up and hand that over as intelligence, just to see where it ended up

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

The dept of defence SHOULD just make shit up and hand that over. Sow some *serious* misinformation, gather evidence of espionage against Trump, shut the MAGAts up and pwn the Fascists, all at once. There are no downsides... unless they give him the real stuff. They'd be absolute idiots to do that.

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Does Trump have the intelligence to understand a briefing?

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Just send him photocopies of the ones they retrieved from Merde Lardo. They're already compromised.

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The briefers could just summarize the foreign news section of the Washington Post. It's not like he would be aware enough to call them on it.

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John Kelly, you scumbag, the time to talk about all this shit was WHEN IT WAS HAPPENING, not when you have a book to peddle. A great time to talk about this was when President Klan Robe's shitty, shitty mouth was heaving invective on a Gold Star Mother over the phone and you joined in on bearing false witness on her and Rep. Frederica Wilson.

Also I forgot, did that asshole Kelly ever apologize to them?

I guess not like it matters about this traitor, his death cultists would love to see him line up and shoot veterans as long as he shoots the Black ones first.

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It’s true that Trump probably wouldn’t understand the intelligence briefings. He didn’t when he was in office.

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Bleach is a "strong acid."

Yeah, and blue is my favorite shade of red. These are the people making health and science policy for the US.

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I have that jarring realization on a semi regular basis.

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Wasn't Socks the Clinton's cat? They were using the cat smuggle out classified information?

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I swear there was something during the Clinton administration about someone trying to smuggle classified documents out of the White House in his socks...it obviously wasn't Clinton but some reporter, maybe? Or source? Or am I insane? (Don't...!)

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he kept the tapes he made in a sock drawer. that was it. no relation to the cat.

loved that cat.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

His stories bear such little resemblance to reality it’s hard to explain them.

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Mar 14·edited Mar 14

That's exactly how I read it. Unless he's confusing the sock drawer of his better with the underwear drawer of Melanja Knavs -- which actually did contain stolen US intelligence.

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Trump's 'detailed plans' for Ukraine involve laying on the ground with his ass up in the air for Putin. I know it's a gross image but it is a degree less heinous than what I actually imagine him doing to placate that evil man. I can only fathom what his other foreign policies regarding other dictators (Xi, Kim, Erdogan, etc) would involve but he's obviously so eager to be perceived in the same light that it is as clear as day his plan involves joining these assholes in the Legion of Doom.

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His plans also involve allowing Putin free reign over a sovereign country, to kill as many of their citizens and destroy as much of the country as possible, and steal as many of the children as possible to raise in Russia. It's called genocide.

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Yes, i.e. whatever Putin wants. The only quibble I have is that Trump has no plan other than 'let Putin have what he wants'.

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Being a dictator is nice, you don't need pesky elections any more.

Something something states rights.

https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1768328123018281157 ---

RNC Co-Chair Lara Trump says they will now be recruiting & training people to get jobs as poll workers who handle & count ballots, and says Trump will end early and mail-in voting in America if elected.

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What bothers me almost as much as him saying these fascist things, is the idiots at his rallies cheer everything he says as if he's saying let's go get ice cream.

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Listened to an interview with Sarah Longwell today. She makes the point that way to many people mostly rationalize his statements via "it is just a show, part of his clown personality".

For some reason the same voters understand that people like Lake or Mastriano are serious about their statements, with Trump, not so much.


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imagine all the 70+ idiots at his rallies cheering that they will be able to vote only if they transport themselves to a polling place and stand in line.

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Not hard to believe when you think about the fact that at least one of his benighted acolytes thing Biden is dead and Jim Carrey is doing the job wearing a mask.

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Should this guy win in November, we as a country are simply not ready for implications. Give him a few years, and we'll be living in a world where the Nazis were the good guys, as were the KKK, the best form of government is one in which truth is the exclusive realm of its leader, and the only faces you see on your teevee will be sumptuously white and straight.

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If I were a liberal in the US, I would do three things:

- spent a lot of my time and energy to advance candidates in critical races

- look out for badly informed voters that aren't total freaks

- spend a lot of time on the shooting range

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also spending a lot on whiskey.

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Might give you trouble aiming though.

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My god, that quote that Media-Ite points out:

TPG: "They released Hillary Clinton. She hammered her phones. She used all sorts of acid testing and everything else they call it, BleachBit, but it’s essentially acid that will destroy everything within 10 miles. I mean, what she did was unbelievable. Nothing happens to her. Nothing happens to Bill Clinton. He took it out in his socks, you know? It was a famous socks case, which he actually ended up winning."

What in the actual fuck? That is the man that thinks Joe Biden's brain is broken?

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Socks was the Clinton's cat FFS

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It’s such a bizarre story, so divorced from reality, but I believe Clinton did -literally - keep some personal tapes used for a book in the drawer he kept his socks in. Had nothing todo with the cat. Also was not a “case,” nor was it famous.

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Trump makes as much sense as Reagan, Bush the Dumber, or Gingrich ever did, really.

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I used to throw up in my mouth whenever I heard Reagan referred to as "The Great Communicator".

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