I have several friends who are teachers. One is a RWNJ. I am curious whether she watches Tucker. This guy is basically what Rush Limbaugh tried to become with his TV show. (Yes, there was a Rush TV show, and yes, I was forced to watch it growing up.)

But the insane backwards news cycle, where Fox reports something, then Trump tries to make it real? How are we supposed to even deal with that?! Why doesn't Fox News use that power for good?

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First of all-Ugh. Teechas. Lazy fuckers. What with their not doing a scrap of work since March. Apart from that thing where their schools suddenly closed and the contingency planning came into force and then they all really quickly had to try to teach online and then how to make use of technology to help and support their students in their learning but also try to help them in dealing with lockdown. Lazy.

And all the schools were closed in the UK apart from the ones that weren’t, which was loads, because there are many families who still had to work and they had no other option than to send their kids to school.

Also- ugh. Unions. They’re so bad and terrible trying to influence poor little teechas. It’s not like the union is a bunch of teechas working together or anything!

It’s so much harder to try and teach online. The planning takes longer. You don’t have the instant interaction which means you can easily correct misconceptions, or explain that thing again. The parts where you’re online and kids aren’t. But they come later when mum and dad have finished work, so the kid is allowed the laptop. Then you have to mop up the questions they asked at 1am, knowing that they won’t see them until later. I miss my kids. I missed all the end of year gubbins. I can’t wait to see them again, but, I don’t want to endanger them. Or have them endanger me!

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