I'm pretty sure cuts would not get through the Senate, but it would be nice if Ryan made a lot of noise about it.

The problem is the Repubs would find a way to blame it on Obama and the true believers would believe.

The irony about my friend--and likely yours--is that she does not live her life according to her espoused beliefs. She really dislike certain imaginary groups, but she would be nothing but nice to an actual member of that group. It's as though she is prejudiced against leprechauns, not real people.

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Mitch McConnell told Paul Ryan to forget trying to cut the social safety net before the midterm elections. I guess they'll just stick to running up massive debts for now.

Mine is outraged that she has to pay taxes for her drug addicted step sister to live in a tent in someone's backyard, because she's getting disability payments from the state. I'm guessing her sister maybe gets $500 a month from the state. All Republicans are outraged that someone is living the lush life in a tent, probably eating lobster tails, on their dime. Meanwhile, all the poverty programs are a drop in the bucket compared to SS and Medicare. She's literally completely unaware that she's voting to cut her own SS and Medicare, she thinks she's voting to screw the poor exclusively.

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Most of the people who voted for Trump knew that he intended to hurt people. They just didn't figure it would be them. Some still don't get it. (One woman in Texas voted Trump, then saw her own husband deported. He was a solid businessman with community respect and several employees.)

The massive debt is an indirect way to attack SS and Medicare. Economics 101 says that when the economy is hot you pay down the deficit--you don't add to it. Then, when the economy crashes, the government should deficit spend in order to get more money circulating through the economy. Instead the Repubs will say we have to have austerity and pay down our massive debt (which they ran up).

I bet your friend calls herself a good Christian. I'm an atheist myself, but I believe we need the social safety net if we are to call ourselves a society with good values.

One of my favorite memes during the 2016 election was those people who demanded that the government get out of their Social Security and Medicare. I guess they think the program is run by leprechauns.

Good to talk with you.

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My friend gives her step sister money, but is somehow offended that the state would provide any sort of social safety net for her. Go figure.

I think these people aren't bad people, they're just whipped into a frenzy by Fox News, which convinces them that they have all sorts of enemies. As you said, most of their enemies are imaginary (Mooslims! Messicans! Welfare queens!).

I suspect by the time they figure out who's screwing them, we'll be a very poor country.

Nice talking to you as well!

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If the Repubs didn't have hate and fear as issues then they'd have no issues at all.

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"Do you know why Chelsea Clinton is so ugly?" he told a handful of big Republican funders. "Because Janet Reno is her father." John McCain.

The McCain camp may be offended by Sadler's comment. But they shouldn't be. Their guy enabled the toxic environment that made her comment possible. In a way, what Sadler said is even understandable. It reflects a political calculus about future nose counts for votes. Like all politics, brutal and coarse. Not a gratuitous misogynist and sexist throw away line about a teen age child to tantalize the deplorables. I just don't give a fuck who they insult when they insult each other. Bad karma chasing bad karma.

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Thank you, Stephen, and welcome to the party that is Wonkette. There is no bottom; they'll always find a level to sink below. The only good thing to come out of Sarah Palin's entry into presidential politics is that I befriended lovely Alaska writers Jeanne Devin and Shannyn Moore, and met a whole lot of other groovy people, both on the net and IRL.

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they all built that and then let it loose on the village.

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If you haven't read this, it's quite a good read. And hardly surprising.


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The GOP is a sickening bad example of the "If you build it, they will come" meme.

The entire party fell in full-heartedly (well, with some organ or another) with Nixon's racist Southern Strategy. It is no coincidence that Nixon--so far--was the only President disgusting enough to be forced out of office.

The racist strategy worked, so the GOP doubled-down time and again. We now have a President saying of neo-Nazis violence that "there are good people on both sides" and that bothers very few in the party. Even those who don't agree with the racism keep quite about it because they want power at any cost.

This year's election is no different. Openly racist Repubs are running for office and the GOP's main concern is whether it will hurt their chances to win. The Repub Congress has thrown themselves at Trump's feet, crawling to do his bidding because renouncing him might cost them power. They have totally given up on ethics and our checks-and-balances system.

I think they'll only change when racism becomes an election liability nationwide. I hope that time comes soon.

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McCain has said awful things, but it was Limbaugh who called Chelsea a dog.


If it, of course, interesting that seeing just the quote we can't rule out McCain or any other Repub.

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Don't let the MSM off the hook. These glassy-eyed f*cktards love to play the outrage machine but they've spent the last 18 months normalizing this bozo and his clown car full of deplorables.

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'Monster? What monster? Oh, THAT monster. Victor, did you know about any monster? I'm sorry, young man, I just don't know how these silly 'monster' stories get started. Maybe it's those awful people at the "We're Not Monsters Coalition."'

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He unleashed Sarah Palin on the world. There is no forgiving that.

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Your posts are always insightful. Thank you.

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