Evan, have you filed the HR complaint against Liz yet?

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That moment when you find that a bloke in the same small town as your parents is funding ISIS with Bitcoin. It's a small world... and kinda terrifying.

'Sales consultant guilty of Bitcoin Islamic State terrorism funding'

'Counter Terrorism Policing North East said he raised thousands of pounds and converted it to Bitcoin, which he used to send IS money to free supporters of the group from detention camps in Syria.'


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Will James Inhofe be throwing snowballs?

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Fox Weather reports on the heat wave https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I wouldn’t trust Fox News to tell me to correct time of day, let alone the weather.

If there were a deadly weather event in a heavily Democratic populated state they would probably ignore it and say nothing but sunny skies. Yes. They are that psychotic.

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Hopefully snowballs will be throwing James Inhuffer

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Thunderpenis in the Heartland will be the name of my next album release

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My husband and I realized that Fox News wasn’t credible when they reported that the DC sniper was arrested, and soon after they reported that he trained at a “terrorist camp on the Alabama-Maryland border.” Rita Cosby reported it and then restated it no less than 3 times.We had been casual Fox News watchers, switching back and forth between that and CNN but we never watched again after that.

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Let me be the first welcome our new Australian weather overlords...

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probably just a surplus of leggy blondes that need jobs

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I would send mind in for more cleanings, but they insist on full sedation. He's got liver problems, so I don't like to do it.

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The Alabama-Maryland border is Hagerstown and the area west of there.

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If murdoch plans on doing to american weather what happens with australian weather, hard pass.

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The world has always been on fire

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I could be mistaken, but I think those can always find jobs

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It's raining poisonous snakes!

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