That sampling keyboard Ferris Bueller had was one of the things that inspired me to start making music. Especially because it made bodily noises

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Thanks Martini - great gif to lead into the weekend.

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Fun fact - sharing the same surname (spelled slightly different but pronounced the same), I always get a kick out of it when I have to show my ID somewhere or give my name on the phone and the service provider breaks into their best Ben Stein classroom roll call shtick from the movie!

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You're lucky- my real name is Abe Froman.

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Your Abe Froman, The Sausage King?

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Ha- I wish!

If I was the Sausage King of Chicago, I could afford to have a standing reservation at Chez Quis!

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The Buffalo Bills used to have a coach with the surname Mularkey and that is the first time I learned it was an actual surname! So I wonder about the etymology of “malarkey.”

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I believe Mularkey played for a number of years also. As a kid I remember his name getting called. A tight end I believe.

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It's from a name but not that one, but from Malcolm R Key, a famous bullshitter from the 1920s.

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Does your tongue ever pierce that cheek.

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He had a wife, you know.

Do you know what her name was?

It was Charlotte. Charlotte Tonne.

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Does that amuse you, Centuwion?

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Was she a twin?

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That is really neat!

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At my age, I find myself able to either twist or shout, but not both, and I can't seem to work it out, at all.

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If you were a scientist, you could work it out with a slide rule.

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I still have one of those.

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Constipated mathematicians, as the old joke goes, work it out with a pencil.

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I first heard that joke from my 4th grade teacher when there were just a few of us in the classroom. I think she trusted us mostly Lutherans with it while the Catholic kids were down the street for Wednesday release time. God bless you, Mrs. Davis!

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Nothing like a well rounded education.

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You've made your point.

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Martini, you always shake it up, baby! And we're here for it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!

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You too!

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What a great, feel good gif, Martini!

ETA: I can't believe that movie is almost 40 years old.

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It's not. It's over.

Go home.


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One year I was at "camp"--we stayed in dorms and were all smart-ass "gifted" kids--it was a year or so after this movie came out. One night out "evening activity" was watching a video on the (not too large) tv of this movie. Once that scene happened, one of the counselors pauses it and was like, "that was so fun--should we watch it again?" and we all yelled "YEAH!" and he rewound it and we all danced around the room and thought it was the coolest thing ever.

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You continue to outdo yourself :)

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You are too sweet 😍

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There ain't no party like a Democrat Party. And this year they're gonna blow the roof off! Y'all enjoy yourselves. I'm on the Left Coast so I'll be their in spirit.

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that curated fridge crap is a crime against humanity.

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The eye-roll from my husband when I mentioned "fridgescaping." But grapes are in a bowl now and are getting eaten. Peaches are in a bowl now and getting eaten. And I just looked up "ceramic egg holders" in a pretty blue color because our new (to us) fridge didn't come with an egg tray. I actually hate eggs, but I love a pretty egg display.

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Thanks for the link about the hog farmer converting to mushroom farming. It's good to see people able to move away from factory farming, where the small cartel of buyers are able to constantly suck out any profits. Also it's a terrible way to raise pigs. And there is a lot of good things about mushrooms.

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Are we not observing Elvis Death Day?


Also died on this day--Aretha Franklin


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Why are we putting people in jail for probation violations? That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard! How about we help people figure out how to make better decisions and help them acquire the tools they need to be successful? Education has to be a good bargain compared to prison. I’m not a prison abolitionist (at least I didn’t think so), but it makes no sense to lock people up unless they are a danger to society. What the hell are we doing?

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My fridgescaping theme is "Escape From New York." Or maybe the trash compactor scene from Star Wars.

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That video of Kamala and Tim...I'm not crying, you're crying! When he said that thing about digging out after a blizzard and you finally see your neighbors again, OMG, that truly spoke to my heart and it is so fucking true! Covid was the blizzard.

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Five things we learned from our reporting on the US’s pro-Israel lobby | US political financing | The Guardian


> The Guardian followed key congressional races affected by Aipac and similar groups for the past few months

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Gotta say they have a point that needs good consideration and discussion:

Progressive Groups Urge Democratic National Committee To Reject Aid Of Israel Lobby (via HuffPo)

A progressive coalition is calling on Democratic leaders to resist the pro-Israel group’s influence in party primaries, following two stinging progressive defeats.

“AIPAC and their allies are spending millions of dollars to defeat champions of the popular progressive agenda that voters demand and that help Democrats win, like Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, reproductive justice, transformative immigration and democracy reform, a lasting ceasefire, hostage deal, and halt on all weapons funding to the Israeli military’s assault on Palestinians in Gaza,” the letter says. “It will be significantly more difficult for Democrats to defeat Trump in November as long as the Party continues to allow GOP-backed PACs and corporate lobbies to have sway over Democratic politics.”

* * * *

“It’s a Trojan horse — it’s a way to smuggle Republican money into Democratic primaries,” Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), a longtime AIPAC critic, told HuffPost. “People should have to answer for taking that toxic money.”

* * * *

“The Democratic Party cannot rely on voters turning out in November on the top issues of reproductive rights, democracy, and peace while accepting donations and endorsements from a right-wing organization that is actively undermining those very principles.


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A Tad Impatient With ... AOT,K

A’s Substack

16 mins ago

Copied, to post in TABS/"right" place:

This morning, Gino and I picked up a full grocery bag of trash, as they'd finally mowed the tall grass behind the old (closed) Pikesville Armory. And it didn't wear me out (completely), because my COVID symptoms are waning, on day 10. (Thank you, Paxlovid inventors, and knock on wood -- I.e. my head.)

Oh, and I cancelled my NYT subscription. Why ... they asked:

"It's still 2016. The Grey Lady hasn't changed. What's the Democratic Party up to? What's wrong with Kamala? (Why won't she talk to us ... so we can tell her what to do?) Republicans? Anti-democratic. Insane. Traitorous. The NYT? Crickets.

It's making me sick to give money to an organization that hypes the interests of wealthy "conservatives."

Again, do you remember 2016? Did you enjoy it?"

The NYT offered me continued "news" for $4 a month for the next year. Fuck off, you collection of shit. But I did take the $1.50 a month crosswords for a year.

Anyways. I finally feel better this morning. Yes, dear Editrix, I will now go read the TABZ!

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I'm <800 miles from the equater; don't think I'll catch the northern lights this time around.

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"some 55,000 pregnant people are admitted to U.S. jails every year and about 1,400 to U.S. prisons."

"Admitted to"? How about "incarcerated" or "imprisoned" or even the mild "detained"? They're not being hospitalized or allowed entry into an event.

Otherwise, the article was worthwhile. This was a pretty packed TABS today!

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Right? Admitted to, like its a hospital or a college.

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“What’s your safety prison?”

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Congressman Derrick VanOrden (Douchebag - WI) doesn't just love to ream out kids in public, he also enjoys involving the police if some steps in front of him in a queue:


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What is it with these Navy SEALS? Their first response is to lie (Sheehy), they are grifters and con-men (Zinke) and rude entitled bastards (Van Orden). Apparently, they think "elite" means "asshole".

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Didn't Rand Paul do something similar? Maybe he didn't press charges but acted like some commie antifa protester did something.

I saw a short thing about VanOrden's dem opponent; it was a photo of a victory party at the restaurant where she waits tables while running. I don't know anything else abaout her but I would sure love to see him out of a job.

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He is such an embarrassment.

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*someone* 🙄😬

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Ta, Rebecca. Ta, Martini. This is my first post as a married woman! Yes, I'm now Mrs Zyxomma-Meccalopolis. The wedding was perfect. Wonkette's own ziggywiggy was our photographer, and man! Can they take a great photo! Good day, beloved Wonketteers. I love and appreciate you all and I bless us all with love, health, peace, and grace.

Please, please stay safe. Wear a mask or two, wash your hands, sanitize when you cannot wash and let the sanitizer dry completely, stop touching your face, take Vitamin D, get a booster shot, avoid indoor and crowded outdoor gatherings and when you must meet, remove masks only to eat, drink, and take quick photos, and stay the fuck away from me and everyone with whom you do not share a roof. Do this because you love yourself, and because I love you, too. Do this in memory of dear departed family and friends like sweetheart Treg and heroic Tony, Holly's pilot friend, among over seven million dead worldwide. Do this to honor the nurses and other frontline medical personnel, especially ICU Hera Mrs Land Shark RN. Stay safe.

p.s. Rabbi Susan credited Wonkette for bringing the two of us together, as was right and proper.

Slava Ukraini. 🌻🇺🇦💙💛

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Thank you for bringing us in to celebrate your happiness, Zyxomma & Meccalopolis!

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Mazel tov

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Mazel tov, you crazy kids!

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A toast (raises coffee cup) to a beautiful couple! Now let's dance...Maybe after some more coffee.

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Mazel Tov to two of the loveliest people ever! 🥂❤️

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Congratulations to the happy Wonkette couple!

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I thought Meccalopolis sounded familiar. Wonkette, bringing the love and joy.

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Oh boy, I'd better get ready at work for customers who want to fridgescape.

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Fridgescaping- for people who never actually cook, or need to get ingredients or anything.

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