This morning the local news here in North Florida said three of the shots were fired at the vehicle WHILE IT WAS DRIVING AWAY. If true, maybe that will help get a conviction. But as others have said, probably not because it's Florida, where every sociopath redneck gets a jury of their peers.

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Why do that when Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law explicitly invites you not to? So much more fun, especially if you're drunk, to tell some backtalking black teenager exactly how powerful white male power really is.

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Stand Your Ground means you don't have to.

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This is the new face of lynching, pure and simple. The purpose of lynching is to arbitrarily kill black people, especially young black men, so that all black people in the community will live forever afraid, intimidated, cowed.

Lynching always names some spurious, barely plausible "reason" why the murder was justified.

As far as I'm concerned, this doesn't have a whole lot to do with gun lovers or 2nd Amendment fanatics, or even guns at all. Stand Your Ground just is the latest in a long long line of Jim Crow laws in the South designed to make the killing of black people quasi-legal and nearly impossible to prosecute.

The gun stuff is just a distraction from the core issue.

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A day does not pass that I don't empty the clip of my AK into the nearest SUV at the chick fil a drive thru, order pizza, and drink Jack N Coke until I remember seeing a gun pointed at me. Is that weird?

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thank you for your work.

i should do more. we all should do more.

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There. Are. No. Words.

Oh, except maybe <i>Guilty, guilty</i>, and <i>guilty.</i>

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That picture makes me cry. I have two boys.

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Amen, and so much more eloquent than my "fuck all these racist gun-hugging fuckers" response that I had planned.

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This. It's not women dressing like sluts or black men acting like thugs. The responsibility is on men and white men, respectively to not rape or kill.

Kind of obvious in this forum, I know.

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<em>This is a man who cried while thinking about his 7-month-old puppy, but not about the teenager he killed.</em>

Thank you, Dok, for finding the perfect summary of this case.

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This guy should box George Zimmerman. In a to-the-death match with the winner going to prison.

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Unfortunately that could have just as easily happened here in Texas or anywhere in the country where people both fear and despise others in spite of having no real exposure to or experience with them. Racism is like an illness that changes your brain chemistry and its always under the surface, ready to rise up at any time.

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