the rainbow ice flow gave it away, didn't it?

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Coming soon Pabst Red (State) Ribbon.

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Great, I am right on the line where pale blue turns to pale green. Not a surprise if you see my lawn, though.

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I think he was talking about the people living on the 12th floor.

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Republicans are white trash immorality on a grand scale. People who are ridiculous and yet dangerous, laughable but cunning, and really, really stupid.

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I hear you. It sucks to have a hot flash and not be able to step out onto the deck to cool off.

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They seem to know "Who's Nailin' Paylin?" is a documentary. Maybe that's why they like her so much -- she comes across as very "likeable" in that film.

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I find this discussion amusing. Down the road from the Senate Rotunda, the Department of Defense has a whole group of scientists who are figuring out how climate change will impact military operations. Imhofe, for all his bravado and bullshit, is nothing more than a fluffer for API and the American Coal Council.

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<i>...noting his district saw worse conditions in the 1950s and 1980s and “variability in the drought is not unusual.”</i>

Thank God he won't be asking for any disaster relief funds. (Really, thank God for being up there, creating those not unusual droughts.)

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