Do they at least make him foot the bill for that set up outside the courtroom? He should be made to shuffle out of the courthouse like every other common criminal.
Jesse Waters thinks the jurors are activists trying to get on the jury. This is the guy who thinks $20/hr is a 6 figure income. If you believe anything he says, you're an idiot.
As if this afternoon, we are at 7 violations this week, and counting. PLUS, one on camera admission of guilt. The Prosecution is keeping count, since the judge already ruled earlier this week that he will address these violations next Wednesday.
Frumoy is a fool. But, that’s nothing new. He’s been getting away with crap all his life. As a young man, his daddy paid his way out of trouble every time. What he should have done was tear his ass up instead of coddling him with money every time he hit into trouble, or didn’t get his way.
Ta, Evan. Merchan is not going to put him in jail, no matter what. Unfortunately I believe he'll never be imprisoned, although no one is more deserving.
Our justice system continues roll over on its back and piddle a little when confronted with money and power. Poor little justice system, it's a scary world!
Peoples lives are in danger! The republic is at stake! The man needs to be shown who is in charge IMMEDIATELY!
So let's sit down for a hearing on TUESDAY, because we're obviously all white collar rich people who aren't REALLY going to be affected by any of this annoying silliness, and NOTHING should EVER disturb our four-day weekends. We'll sort through what he said a week earlier and decide what words mean like we're Louis fucking Winthorp without a care in the world. Because if there's ONE THING that has been consistent with this man, it's that he leaves LONG STRETCHES of inactivity and silence between offenses, so OF COURSE we have ample time to dawdle over this in a leisurely fashion. I swear half Trump's strategy comes from spending so much time around lazy lawyers and judges: "Trust me, they'll never catch up". And he's right.
"...old children’s joke about “Not touching, can’t get mad!”..."
Not that old, "don't touch other people" wasn't a rule where I was a kid. It came in with the second wave feminists I'm guessing, in the 60-70s? Probably wouldn't be a rule in the second MAGA administration either.
We are seeing all the cracks in our legal system but these are actually huge fissures with molten lava. No one and I repeat no one should get away with the stuff he has. I suppose should the Evil One become our dictator the reasons will become obvious as we watch all who failed democracy slithering around his ankles. Ugh!
So sick of his shit, NO ONE else would get this kid-glove treatment.
Maybe someone can explain this, but what's the point of the gag order if the judge isn't doing anything about it until April 23? Shouldn't it be immediate? You violate the order, your ass is hauled off to jail. By next week, the damage will be done, and will prob continue bc i can't see him actually facing consequences. Grrrrrrrr
a word from our distant past, accountability, should be removed from the dictionary.
it is a farce.
Do they at least make him foot the bill for that set up outside the courtroom? He should be made to shuffle out of the courthouse like every other common criminal.
Jesse Waters thinks the jurors are activists trying to get on the jury. This is the guy who thinks $20/hr is a 6 figure income. If you believe anything he says, you're an idiot.
Very bad news if he does not go to jail.
As if this afternoon, we are at 7 violations this week, and counting. PLUS, one on camera admission of guilt. The Prosecution is keeping count, since the judge already ruled earlier this week that he will address these violations next Wednesday.
Frumoy is a fool. But, that’s nothing new. He’s been getting away with crap all his life. As a young man, his daddy paid his way out of trouble every time. What he should have done was tear his ass up instead of coddling him with money every time he hit into trouble, or didn’t get his way.
Thanks, learned a new word.
Sorry about that, but, seems fitting for the idiot, doesn’t it.
“Frumpy”. But I bet you knew that. I’ll learn one day to pay closer attention on my reread before hitting “post”.
Needs to be 100,000 per violation.
That seems excessive. I would say, oh, ten days per violation./s
But be comforted, it will likely end up being 100,000 in toto.
So, I guess Donnie can do whatever he wants until the 24th.
I guess Merchan can take everything Donnie's done in that time period and bury him with it.
From your lips/fingers.... but I'm not so convinced of a Conviction anymore. To me, the Jury looks favorable to Trump.
Ta, Evan. Merchan is not going to put him in jail, no matter what. Unfortunately I believe he'll never be imprisoned, although no one is more deserving.
Our justice system continues roll over on its back and piddle a little when confronted with money and power. Poor little justice system, it's a scary world!
It can take comfort in executing some people instead. Bonus points for them being intellectually disabled or actually innocent.
And/or a certain shade or darker, say no more.
Peoples lives are in danger! The republic is at stake! The man needs to be shown who is in charge IMMEDIATELY!
So let's sit down for a hearing on TUESDAY, because we're obviously all white collar rich people who aren't REALLY going to be affected by any of this annoying silliness, and NOTHING should EVER disturb our four-day weekends. We'll sort through what he said a week earlier and decide what words mean like we're Louis fucking Winthorp without a care in the world. Because if there's ONE THING that has been consistent with this man, it's that he leaves LONG STRETCHES of inactivity and silence between offenses, so OF COURSE we have ample time to dawdle over this in a leisurely fashion. I swear half Trump's strategy comes from spending so much time around lazy lawyers and judges: "Trust me, they'll never catch up". And he's right.
Next Mon-Thu are Passover Holidays and nothing will happen next week, imho.
Edit after my post: I believe next Monday night begins Passover, so Monday am should be "on". The Judge will make that call!
"...old children’s joke about “Not touching, can’t get mad!”..."
Not that old, "don't touch other people" wasn't a rule where I was a kid. It came in with the second wave feminists I'm guessing, in the 60-70s? Probably wouldn't be a rule in the second MAGA administration either.
We are seeing all the cracks in our legal system but these are actually huge fissures with molten lava. No one and I repeat no one should get away with the stuff he has. I suppose should the Evil One become our dictator the reasons will become obvious as we watch all who failed democracy slithering around his ankles. Ugh!
He's going to push and push and hope the judge DOES through him in jail. Can you imagine ANYTHING better for grifting the base?
Then the Judge should accommodate him now!
…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator
I don’t!
…hahahahahahahaha you keep telling it to yourself, it’s a very poor self gratification to justify doing nothing
So sick of his shit, NO ONE else would get this kid-glove treatment.
Maybe someone can explain this, but what's the point of the gag order if the judge isn't doing anything about it until April 23? Shouldn't it be immediate? You violate the order, your ass is hauled off to jail. By next week, the damage will be done, and will prob continue bc i can't see him actually facing consequences. Grrrrrrrr
Head case/case number...