That's how I know he's an awesome God. We're like so in sync, omg.

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Maybe, as in "never fine for the rest of us who want this pandemic ended and their loved-ones not killed so just get your shot, asshole"?

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They may say they don't believe it but they all have the same panicked worried look (the really sick ones anyway) that screams, I have made a terrible mistake

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Sure I do - see an extra pound of it added to my sorry azzzz every time I visit a food court 😿

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That needs to stop happening.

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Hopeful but realistic. So yeah, rhetorical.

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Even if it wasn't Faux policy, she'd for sure be 3x vaxxed. She's evil but she's not stupid.

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I think he was trying to dismantle Ingraham's logic. She was basically saying, it was "fine" for cops not to be vaccinated for soooooo long, why not now? While conveniently leaving out that it wasn't an option for that sooooo long.

I *think* Steven meant that it was never "fine" (as in, it was never ideal); it just wasn't possible. There's a name for that type of logical fallacy but I'm blanking on it.

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They would be even without the policy. They eat hypocrisy for breakfast.

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Bioweapons that backfired.

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He's also worried that losing thousands of magats a day will be problematic if he decides to run again. His margins were pretty slim in some states.

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That's pretty brilliant.

Also buy air time every night during Tucker and announce the new totals like lottery numbers. So exciting!

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…we prayed about all this when this first started, you know, 'Lord, what do you want us to do? And what's our path.'

And when he (obviously) got fuck-all for a response, Asshat here decided he would speak for his “god.” So not only is he dumb as dogshit, he thinks he’s the voice of the almighty.

Maybe nobody deserves to die from Covid, but this one was BEGGING for a smiting.

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Versus shot which was a small fraction of that and would have cost him nothing

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R'amen, I think that every time one of these defective lemmings, jumps off the metaphorical cliff. At least the actual lemmings had an excuse: they were pushed off the cliff to make the Disney nature film more exciting.

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