Yes, Sir!

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"I want to nderstand* it"


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It'll never happen. I campaigned for Ms Stacey and she's literally one of the best in the world - but do not kid yourself about how deep Confederate enmity runs

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How about "Dodge Dart"? One of those darted, and I failed to dodge, impacting, and breaking, both my legs.

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You can't shame the republicans, you can only squirt them with a fire hose (or a squirt bottle) or whack them with a rolled up newspaper like the Wall Street Journal (or smack the rolled up paper loudly in your palm).

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Campaign hard for down-ballot races, for example. Plan the long game, like the rethugs have been doing, for another. Groom young liberals for internships in gov't (as reps have been doing for decades). Pass laws in states with Dem legislators that favor Dems and Dem voting/voters. Granted, these measures are in the shoulda-coulda-woulda department of regrets, but they could maybe learn from experience? Maybe? Oh, and play dirty, cuz they do, and getting up off the couch to vote... and for a real Democrat who has a chance in heck of winning, instead of a Jill or a Bernie or a Ralph. Aaaaand maybe Gore could have put up a bit of a stink back in the day. This isn't blaming the abused, it's changing behavior for the chance of a different outcome.

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Well, if they take him literally and vote for Stacey Abrams, that's going to be interesting.

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Hahahahaha. Surely you jest.

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Manchin is bought and paid for by GQP donors, if there isn't something in it for them, it won't get passed.

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I think Manchin is referring to the "timeline" for passing the Build Back Better reconciliation bill. There is definitely a timeline for the debt ceiling, although when that deadline actually falls is subject to debate. Mid-October to Mid-November.

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Please just mint the $20 trillion coin and then shove it in Mitch McConnell's face.


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It’s difficult to make a man understand, when his bank account depends on him not understanding.

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You seem to have a better grasp of politics than the NYT

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Whenever I hear that eventually all of the idiocy and insanity will pass and we will be able to move forward I laugh so, so hard, and so long! This is all going to end, or rather continue on, very badly. If you have ever spent time examining trends and their outcomes you understand this too.

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I can sort of understand Manchin as well, but the dude is not going to win in 2024 unless WV undergoes a massive demographic shift. His margin dropped from double digits in 2012 to like 3% in 2018, and even then only because his opponent couldn't stop tripping over his own dick. Jim Justice will probably be WV's next junior senator.

As for Sinema, she used to be a US American Green, which pretty much means she's a contrarian narcissist who craves attention. That's the one thing Green Party Sinema has in common with House Conservadem Sinema (that, and being pro-choice, but I have no expectation she'll put her money where her mouth is on that any more than Collins has/will). She's just enjoying the spotlight and setting herself up for a cushy post-politics gig after she loses her primary. She'll cash her check and then become a regular talking head on Fox or OAN as their token "reasonable Democrat." Especially if her seat flips.

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