I will do this for $ 4,995. Sorry edgydrifter but this is a very competitive enviroment.

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so, what exactly is the collection rate on this gofundme thingy? do pledges count toward the total?

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even better if they have a postage paid reply envelope you can use to tell them, nope, not gonna happen.

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It's not Me, brah. I've never seen a prutah of it.

- God

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Not so much deeper as the pockets' owners are more willing to empty them at their masters' bidding.

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Can I interest you in a tote bag?

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Oh, I do so love the product description. Yet more proof that cons have zero sense of humour.

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Is it considered gauche to fall in love with a trailer? ♥♥♥♥

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Why do you hate our boys in uniform?

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I think he what he is trying to say here is "klaatu barada nikto".

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Best-case scenario: the marks cough up so much money that they can't afford to drive to the polling station in 2016...

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Can we please not use the word 'trannies'?

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That's the accepted spelling of 'tyranny' according to the Teabagger Dictionary for Sign Spellin an Shit.

That is, the use has nothing to do with auto transmissions, transgender people, or any other 'trannies'. It's a knock on Teabagger spellin.

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If you Dog's stool is Cruz color, I'd rush him to the Vet.

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All turds look like Ted's face, so nothing to worry about. Now should your dog start shitting Cruz-like greasy hair, take him/her to the vet, pronto!

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So let me get this straight, if you sell a stranger on a bunch of black cardboard that supposed to be blacked out money that's wrong because you're profiting from deceit. On the other hand, you can just make a bullshit claim about religious persecution to raise money then just claim you're standing up for religious beliefs...

...only in America is only one of these two considered grifting and is punishable by law.

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